GoKunming Articles

Announcing the return of Green Drinks Kunming

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For much of 2011 and 2012, those Kunmingers interested in candid discussions on environmental issues, sustainable business practices and possible related collaborative endeavors met regularly over a few discounted adult beverages. Usually these meetings were held at pubs on Wenlin Jie and brought together those working in academia, people from non-governmental organizations, and anyone else interested in green initiatives.

The meet-ups were aptly dubbed Green Drinks after an international group of the same name. After a three-year hiatus, GoKunming and green energy entrepreneur Ben Underwood are happy to announce these eco-centric events will be resurrected on a monthly basis beginning in February.

The first installment of Green Drinks Kunming will be held at DIVA Lounge & Music on the evening of February 1. Subsequent Green Drinks meetings will take place on the first Sunday of every month for the foreseeable future. The goal, as in the past, is to bring together people in Kunming who are interested in sustainable development. Hopefully, a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere will help foster a more connected, effective and fun green community here in the Spring City.

February 1 Green Drinks Reboot

For the revival of Green Drinks, the evening's talk is entitled The role of agroforestry in Yunnan's ecological and economic future. Yunnan is one of the most biologically diverse regions on earth, and nowhere is this truer than within its forests.

Sander Van de Moortel, Communications Officer at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), will give a presentation discussing how individuals and organizations can not only protect these forests from degradation, but use the wealth of resources found in woodland areas to improve the health of people and the planet. His address is loosely based on ICRAF's current collaborative work with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in central Asia.

Van de Moortel's talk will be followed by a question and answer session and from there, people will be encouraged to meet, mingle and discuss all things green at their leisure. Over the course of the evening, Paulaner, Köstritzer, and Hoegaarden beers will be on offer at 20-40 percent off and all pizzas will be on special as well.

The relaunch of Green Drinks will begin at 8pm on Sunday, February 1 and run for about two hours. Host venue DIVA Lounge & Music is located on the third floor at 267 Xichang Lu — site of the old Uprock. For those arriving by bus, take number 22, 90, 93, 97, 110, 127, 141, 143, 160, 213 or K11 and get off at the Xinwen Intersection stop (新闻路口).

Admission is of course free to all and if you plan to attend, first RSVP event organizer Ben Underwood at greendrinkskunming[at]gmail[dot]com. The first 20 people to RSVP will receive a free bottle of Carlsberg at the event.

Top image: Smells Like Home

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Yes! I'll definitely be there! :)

Excellent idea!

A dream idea! Isn't it?

Is green drinks still going on?

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