best you consult your employer on the money thing. then budget according to what they say they are going to do. even if the employer is not doing what they should do, you will struggle to get what they don't wanna give. you might get it later, but in the meantime you gotta eat.
the seagull are wild animals and manage to feed themselves on journeys to and from siberia, and during thier life in russia without our help. i think they will survive. but if it helps keep you calm, carry on.
“a pandemic is a scenario that we have to consider.”
consider yes, but it is by no means certain. a risk assesment looks at likelihood of something happening and the impact if it does. you have to balance the two.
Risk assessments are just that, an assessment. Different people will have different data, factor in different things and have different weighting.
then balance the risk against the loss of freedom.
Looking at the current flu epidemic in the US, over 140k cases this winter, with a pop 1/4 that of China. Where is a safer place?
There is no right or wrong answer. Pointless arguing really, make your own mind what you are gonna do.
Swedish design ideas, kunming build quality. i have bought lots of ikea stuff in the past, the furniture at #11 are poor facsimiles of genuine item. Yes stuff is affordable, but poorly made and overpriced in my opinion. we took a good look around and looked closely at build quality and walked away.
It might be worth identifying which Prague venue you are reviewing.
When I first arrived in Kunming I did a tour of Wenlin Jie. I did't like the look of Prague.
More recently I have used Prague in Beichen a lot and I like it.
Ref the comment @nonsecond about being made sick from raw apple, WTF?
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Exploring the curious world of Yunnan mushrooms
发布者fungi have not been promoted to the animal kingdom. funguses are a kingdom and have been for donkeys years
Chinese diplomat proposes bullet train to India
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Law prohibits new shared bike companies from coming to Kunming
发布者yeh but manchester dont have 300k of the damned things for the chengguan to stack up