Forums > Living in Kunming > Relaxing the requirements? Lesson plans are prepared in your own time, not paid, in most places. You can spend several hours on some lesson plans that only last an hour.
If an employer then grabs the IP and sells it as their own, usually because they are too mean to buy books, I would get upset.
If an employer wants me to prepare course materials, and they pay me for it, no problem.
Forums > Living in Kunming > What is happening with Gokunming? Quick straw poll. How many are having problems connecting to GoK.
I have none.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Respraying a bike frame @Lemon, this is why I suggested hand painting. Rattle cans are between 5-10 rmb.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Respraying a bike frame If I was going to get it done (big if), I would strip the bike down to the bare frame myself and use foam ear plugs in all of the small screw holes to protect the threads. I would mask any bigger holes with rags and tape. I would then take the bare frame in to the paint shop.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Respraying a bike frame As slight asides.
Hand painted bikes needed not look shabby and are less likely to get stolen, because they are harder to fence. Especially if they look hand painted, or are a bit ugly.
If you buy a cheap bike, it is not worth spending money on a custom paint job.
Spring Festival 2020 Business Opening and Closing Times
发布者The re-opening of the meituan site is very helpful, thanks.
Kunming bank opens first biometric outlet in Yunnan
发布者If they are stopping family members from sharing, accessing SIMs, then I hope they relax the rules for foreigners.
Snapshot: Kunming's first ever PechaKucha Night
发布者Off topic, but related to theme songs. When we watched terrestrial TV we listened to the whole theme, even if only in the background while we quickly made a cup of tea or finished off some other chore. With streaming, or watching box sets, we quickly FF over the theme song and titles. We are missing a lot of great music.
Everything else said by the last two posters can be captured within the idea that we no longer live in a society, we live in a market.
Yunnan reaches out to Cambodia with children's health initiative
发布者There is another elephant in the room.
Kunming dog registration required as of August 1, 2019
发布者Ha ha.