My US hotmail account, when I close it no longer goes to in the USA. It defaults to China.
My question answered.
I assume that in a day or so my UK hotmail account will also default to .cn
My US hotmail account, when I close it no longer goes to in the USA. It defaults to China.
My question answered.
I assume that in a day or so my UK hotmail account will also default to .cn
If you are not changing the status of your visa, e.g. a 'Z' for a 'Z' then you should not have to leave China.
However, if you change from your 'Z' to an 'F', for example, you will need a border run.
There are a number of employers looking for people, ESL and other teachers now. They are desperate as some start new programs/terms April 6th. The fact that you are not a native speaker may not bother them so close to the deadline.
I have never heard of an online Pharmacy in China. There are lots of people selling prescription only meds, but most if not all are fake.
Have you tried to ask for a prescription of a substitute drug that is available in China?
Why did the doc prescribe that particular drug, did you ask for it? Seems odd that the doc prescribed something not generally available.
If the drug is made my Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca, or Bristol Myers Squib (BMS); they all have big offices in Shanghai and most of the managers speak good English (the latter 2 companies English training is compulsory and staff need to be good to get promoted). It may be possible to ask IF (big if) any of the hospitals in Kunming stock the drug you want. You could then try that hospital's pharmacy, although they may demand you have another consult.
Sorry I cannot be of any more help.
It might help if you answer some Qs
What nationality are you?
What kind of visa are you on now?
What kind of visa do you want?
That would be really cool.
I am not a Canuck but I was out in Canada in the hazy days of early 80's when Gretsky was the God, the Oilers ruled, and every game began with 'Axle F'. And life was accompanied by Sicks or Labbat's. And in Alberta local TV was sponsored by either Hires Root Beer or Parr's Funeral Homes
No results found.
Great to know it is no longer dry.
Good review BTW
This has moved.
The cut flowers are about 700m east on Duonan Jie. The plants and trees are about 700 m west and follow Duocai Section.
A reasonable choice of lumber that has improved over time. Fancy hardwoods like walnut, and mahogany are in abundance. There are some plywood and rubber-wood boards available. There are also some kiln dried imported softwoods and merbao available. Some of the lumber is very green, so look for the kiln dried if you need stable timbers.
Echo everything said by others.
Breakfast great and the serve from 8am. Most other places say 9am and they still are not ready.
Sandwiches are cheap 22-32, and really packed full of filling. We got some sandwiches for a day out, the only mistake I made was ordering two, as this was too much. These are seriously good sangars, and they are wrapped in alu foil.
In fairness to Metro, they are a wholesalers, and not really a supermarket. Hence the need for a card, which can be got around.
They have improved in the year I have been away. They now carry a more consistent range of imported foodstuffs and they also seem to have sorted out the mported milk supply.
They have a wider range of electrical appliances now, there is a coice of more than one toast. There is also a better range of seasonal non foods, like clothes, shoes, garden furniture and camping gear.
Kunming new home sales plunge
发布者Personally, I do not see a huge re-adjustment of prices anytime soon.
The reason is that a lot of this property was bought for investment and is not used for homes. Many are undecorated and will remain so. Many Chinese are still looking to buy a bargain, but again as a possible investment.
No-one is in a hurry to sell, except developers. Unless the banks get heavy with them, and a red envelope usually cures that, they will not drastically drop prices to sell units. In fact if they did it would affect their equity, as the housing stock would be worth a somewhat less on paper.
Many private owner here have 2 or more properties. I know one guy with over 30. Many local companies also own properties, also mostly undecorated. The only thing that would force people to sell would be if there was a recession that hit China and people needed to liquefy their assets. Property prices could then tumble due to a rush to sell before the bubble burst, and this would become a self fulfilling prophecy.
But most Chinese will play the long game.
my 2 cents
Recipe: Spicy taro and greens
发布者I would like to see more recipes like this.
Simple recipe for a common local food.
There are many fresh foods that I have not seen before and am not sure what to do with them. I am sure I am not alone.
There are also some dishes that are more palatable for foreigners, than others.
Perhaps GoK could open up to submissions of simple recipes from other writers.
Getting Away: Xishan
发布者Went there last week. Did not see what happened at ticket office, but if you get the chair lift (I enjoy the ride) they make you buy tickets for Long Men (Dragon Gate) as well. Even if you don't want to go to Long Men.
Chinese college freshmen increasingly unfit
The comment about kids going to the doctors during military training in the article. There is nothing wrong with the kids, this is a 'sick note' culture developing. "Mummy, I don't want to go to school today. My tummy hurts".
Chinese college freshmen increasingly unfit
发布者There is no emphasis on sport in schools. Yes kids to physical jerks every day, but it is not strenuous. Also, participating in a real sport will lead to improved physical dexterity (as well as strength), and for team sports kids will learn to be part of a unit that works together, something missing at the moment.
All of this will require taking time out of the classroom learning schedule. What many people here don't acknowledge is study burn out, taking time out of class for sport can and does improve classroom performance.
Not everyone will excel at sport, but all who do it will benefit in many ways. Not just in fitness.