Forums > Living in Kunming > Marrying a local... Congratulations, crazy guy.
If you ever want advice, don't ask me. I am still trying to work it out after 7 years ;-)
It is a cultural thing, Mars and Venus, let alone E W. We are not meant to work it out.
As my brother once told me: "We will never understand the rules, as soon as it looks like we are starting to understand the rules, the women change them".
Wish you every happiness.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Paying Taxes on a package from the states? The PO doesn't charge anything.
But Customs do. It depends on the item and its tax rate, there is also a fee handling charge (flat rate) on top.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Too cheap or what? @Jingstwat
"...most of you probably don't have a bachelor's..." What absolute twaddle. In my 8 years, and several cities, in China I have only met one teacher who did not have a bachelor's degree. I have in fact met many with more than one degree. And there are also teachers with education degrees.
Not all teachers here have good TEFL qualifications, but many do have recognised qualifications like TESOL and CELTA.
In Kunming, all the teachers I have met are well qualified and experienced. I work at three institutions here.
Regards Shanghai, the market in Shanghai is mature and there is a lot of competition, but I was charging 450 when I was there in 2006. Kunming does not have the level of competition.
Local rates are what you can get. You should see what some parents pay for classes at some of the local language centres, for non-native speaker teachers.
If you work for a local school and they only pay 80/hr remember that they are doing all the marketing for you, and paying other costs. These costs include rent, heating and light, printing/paper, photocopier, visa, etc. And they can usually give you a minimum number of hours.
If you work for yourself you have to absorb al these costs, and remember that you cannot guarantee a number of hours. People cancel on you. Additionally, it is not easy to go out and find over 60 hours worth of students per month. I say 60 hours because at 80/hr this will earn you just under 5000/m. I think 5000/m is reasonable in KMG. But getting 60hrs when freelancing (whilst teaching) is unlikely unless you employ someone, and that is a big cost.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Paying Taxes on a package from the states? Not just KMG/China law. It would be the same in Europe.
Unless it is a gift, and value less than about 500 rmb, you pay tax. But the gift declaration has to be made by the sender. In the UK they may even ask for proof of birthday etc. as a gift can only be for Xmas/festivals/Bday. But the UK has been very anal about tax since they merged HM Customs and the Inland Revenue.
It is only considered personal if you bring it into China in your suitcase, and even then they may ask for tax on new computers etc. Or if you have a valid reason for shipping household effects, usually using a relocation company. Post does not count.
The other thing to consider is to get suppliers to charge you the export (tax/VAT free) price. That way you are not paying tax twice.
Construction to close portions of Second Ring Road for months
发布者These are major works. I would not be surprised if they find faults with the roadway that will require some reconstruction leading to delays in completion.
Protecting ancient cliff paintings in western Yunnan
发布者lets hope kilroy ding does not visit
Construction to close portions of Second Ring Road for months
发布者If they had finished the proposed metro lines first, this would not have been so bad. People could have more easily got to work, or where else they needed to be.
Scientists "99 percent" certain SARS originated in Yunnan bats
发布者He is trolling you, and you keep taking the lure.
Scientists "99 percent" certain SARS originated in Yunnan bats
发布者More absurdity.