Couldn't agree more.
Couldn't agree more.
Hahaha I don't even know where to start. Ignoring the fact that you actually went to China to get laid, I must say that I am not surprised that you prefere Hong Kong since you don't speak any Chinese. However I don't know if it is necessary for you to find a girl who speaks English since you only seem to care about her being willing to have sex with you and do your laundry.
Your message seems to be that you advice people to go Hong Kong instead of Kunming because it's easier to get laid there. Well if you as a Western man travel to China with the sole purpose of getting laid without any basic knowledge of China or Chinese, then living in Hong Kong is probably easier. And hopefully you will stay there.
Ok here is Alex number: 13888737712. The shop is situated on Long Xiang Street #88. :)
Discrimination at clubs is not something that only exsists in China. Diffrent clubs want diffrent customers. Soho and Babi specialise on rich customers and that's why they let their customers pay ridiculous amount of money. The goal of most customers at those places is not to have fun, but to 有面子。They buy as much as fits on the table. Then they give some of it to other people to show that they are so wealthy that they can give it away (kaizi), and if they are seen with a foreigner it's even better. They give foreigners booze and the foreigner give them face. So in general the clubs like foreigners (This is why some clubs hire foreigers to come and party). However this only works as long as the foreigner behave, they look ok and aren't too many.
What happend at Soho was that a group of five guys (that according to Chinese standard weren't very attractive) had a rutine of going into Soho begging for drinks. Taking a round. Standing in the corner waiting. Walking another round and then leaving if they weren't getting enough to drink. Never talking to any of the people giving them alcohol. So I wasn't too surprised when the guards started stopping all foreigners.
And I agree with Esther, the "negative" discrimination has a reason. If you piss on the DJ table you will obviously get into trubble. If you are always begging for drinks, getting shit faced, without even trying to be nice (unless you are a girl with big eyes, nose and death pale skin) they will stop being nice to you after a while and start finding you annoying.
Yes Chinese people fight. Most seemed to prefere to be ten against one. Especially kicking on that one person that is lying down. Of you happend to be alone the most common tactic seemed to be hitting a glass bottle in the other persons head when that person was turning around. Chinese people are more agressive and unreliable when they get drunk. However they scarcly ever fight in the club because then they would be kicked out and loose face.
I know this thread is old but I figured since there are new foreigners comming to Kunming all the time being picked up by agents and agencies I should write something about my experience.
Most agencies are really bad and some of the agents are even worse. I worked for two diffrent agencies and two agents. Both me and my flat mate did commercials, photo shoots and attended diffrent events.
My experience of modeling agencies in Kunming is that they are quite unreliable and they don't get you many jobs. They may book you for an event and then they won't tell you it has been cancelled. Both the agencies and some agents are trying to rip their models off. Both me and pretty much all of my friends in Kunming at that time worked with an agent named Jasmine. Not something I would recommend.
If you are a girl and if you meet the Chinese/Kunming standard for a female model you should be very picky and not accept just any job. Always make sure that they stick to the time you agreed on. If they say ten minutes they actually mean 4 hours. A runway show should give you about 500 yuan and an event that lasts a whole day should be about a 1000 (If it's more than one day 800 is acceptable). Don't listen to them if they say that they will give you less because they are paying for the hotel etc. It should be inculded without you having to pay for it.
DON'T SIGN ANY CONTRACTS!!!! Most jobs you'll get will be through contacts.
Hope this helps :)
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