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Forums > Living in Kunming > Marriage documents

Probably anyone can answer these, not just Americans as I are not. I got married about 1.5 years ago, things may have changed with new visa rules but I haven't heard anything.

1. No.

2. Notaries have translation services attached, notary in Kunming is here:www.gokunming.com/[...]
3. Had to return to wife's hekou to get visa. Note though if your wife comes from a village it will be the villages county capital (e.g. My wife's village is near Qujing, which is where we had to get the visa)

Forums > Living in Kunming > Air quality.

In fact the chemtrails are only in the imaginations of the deluded.

Air quality in Kunming though is a LOT better than most east coast cities. Not a bad choice if coming back to China and looking for a fairly unpolluted city. Dali is even better...

Forums > Living in Kunming > Air quality.

Ha ha haaaa, the first link from your YouTube search shows someone proving it wrong.

Well done, I am completely convinced! m.youtube.com/watch?v=vmT3wcu8Ed0

Exactly what did you want us to see?? One guy does it to prove its not snow and it behaves exactly as I would expect! Wow, so amazing! Or is it that snow can sublimated? Wow! Basic science convinces you of mass government conspiracy?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Air quality.

Tony's on to it!

The best I have heard yet that it's peoples imagination "I won't provide evidence because you won't read it", which really means "I won't provide evidence that is easily proved to be false".

I suggest to the conspiracy theorists posting here to concern themselves more with things that are bad which are proven. Try corporate control of governments (particularly the US), imorral practices by governments or companies, injustice, inequality etc. If you put half the energy into fighting these than you do looking for bogeymen in the closet, you may do some good in the world.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Air quality.

I tend to think conspiracies that have to involve literally 10's if not hundreds of thousands to millions of people to be true, that haven't had definitive proof appear from a whistle blower (former "conspiracy" member like Snowden), aren't conspiracies at all, just the workings of over active imaginations and paranoia.

For the chemtrails conspiracy theory, it would require active participation from pretty much every commercial pilot in the world, all major airports ground crews, all people making commercial planes (designers through to workers) plus the nefarious government agencies working in multiple states to pull it off. And it has apparently been going for decades. Yet nobody has said anything.

Yeah, right.


No results found.


Stop talking sense Mike. For China to be able to continue claiming it is a developing nation (and hence shirk all international responsibilities) it must continue to grow stupidly while acting inefficiently. All attempts at greening some part of their economy at the moment are token offerings used to accelerate growth (creating new markets) and use as weapons in any environmental negotiations.

The road out is commonly where MTB riders going up or down the mountain start and end. You should see people on mountain bikes going in and out of the road if going on the weekend. It is also just North of a pedestrian over bridge (where I assume the 2nd to last pic is taken) and can get dusty as hell when cars come down.

Classic, big "NO PHOTOGRAPHS" sign, and the previous picture you have a girl taking a pic of a picasso! Is this the museum across from the PSB where everyone has to go to get their visa's done?

Have people been to village houses before where they use the round compressed coal pellets for heating/cooking? These are coal pellets filled with holes, about the size of a large mans fist.

Whenever I am around them I pretty much begin choking! The particulates and toxicity of these things I suspect is pretty high as well.

Unfortunately going electric in Yunnan (likely producing most of its electricity from hydro) seems to be the best way for heating, when taking into account the environmental and human health factors. At least if people light these type of unventilated (no chimney) fires...

And the major chunk missing - the new reviews and listings section still isn't online, apparently its been in testing since March??



So fast, so convenient. One star off for opening before the train station stop is connected!


Wow, just wow. Possibly the best Chinese food I have had in Kunming. And in one of the nicest, traditional courtyard style restaurant I have been in. A woman dressed in traditional qi pao playing a gu zheng just adds to it.

We had okra, mushroom soup, dried beef and chou dofu. All top notch with the bill coming in at just over 250 kuai. But we could have fed 3 people for that so not too bad at about 80-90 kuai each. Not the cheapest but for the quality, it's damn good.

If you have people visiting and want to take them to a traditional Chinese style restaurant with Yunnan style food, or want a romantic night out with a gal, you can't go wrong here. Close to Green Lake (down a little alley) for a romantic walk... Just perfect.


Pretty good place for getting all your documents translated and/or notarised. Note that there are a number of notaries in the building which you can find by going up the stairs (the elevators are impossible). But you have to find the stairs to do so... go in the door, head over to the right, go up the big wide stairs which head up a floor, turn right then right again into the elevator area and right again into the stairwells. Whew!

One point off for the elevators never being available and having to hike 7-9 flights of stairs (not good if you have to go 3-4 times a day like I often did!)


This does not stop at the Jinanya hotel at Da Shang Hui as the flyers state (and is on the images tab here). They need to have another stop in the same area or else they are missing out on covering a big chunk of the city.

You can take another bus, the 919C, I believe, if you are nearby Da Shang Hui, which leaves from the bus station on HeHong Lu, nearby the Qianxing road intersection. This bus goes every hour and is white, found at the western end of the station. It is operated by a different company and takes about 1 hour 10 minutes to get to the airport due to a large number of stops especially near the airport.

Great bus though if you can catch it!


Friendly people, even got to the talk to the vice consulate, who told me she had done a stint in Malaysia's Siberian Consulate!

English is spoken by some of the Chinese girls working at the desk who are pleasant to deal with. I assume they do Visa's as well but I wasn't here for a visa, this time!