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Forums > Living in Kunming > Air quality.

With intelligent questions like "why don't we use the ozone hole to suck all the pollution out" it's no wonder people don't listen!

I really hope you weren't serious blue...

Forums > Living in Kunming > Healthy recipes for Broke-Ass's

One of the best and easiest breakfast options is still porridge. My recipe is:

About 1 cup water in a pot. Boil it.

Once water is boiling pour in oats (best is to NOT use quick oats and much healthier) until the mix is slightly thick. This requires a little practice to get the ideal thickness, basically it's when you JUST feel it thickening.

Lower the heat to a simmer (stir until simmering)

Chop a banana into the oats, mixture of small and big bits.

Drop in a few tablespoons of raisins. Mix.

Cover and leave to simmer for about 10 seconds, then turn off the heat and leave for at least 10 minutes (go have a shower or something). This step is important to try and contain the liquid from escaping as steam, and having a little pressure is good, completely cover with no holes in the lid.

Add milk, stir and eat!

With this technique there is no need to add sugar as the natural sugars in the fruits come out sweetening the mixture. Oats can be bought in even small stores all over China.

Forums > Living in Kunming > What is it about ourselves that is difficult?

With the recent threads about Chinese girl "advice" (or maybe bitching) I thought a good topic would be to turn it around on ourselves - what is it in Chinese - Western relationships that is difficult for the Chinese side to understand or come to terms with?

My wife tells me a lot that I am "too hardcore" (after she looked up the meaning!). Too focused on goals, which makes me unable to enjoy everyday life because I always strive for something more. I thought this applies actually more to a Western mind set that is drilled into us in school (goal setting - success mentality), but I think she is right and so are trying to change to focus more on appreciating what I have, enjoying just simple banter and relationships around me. She also doesn't like too much equality in the relationship sometimes, she wants to dominate in some areas and expects me to dominate in others. I thought this was telling in that I come from a culture where the feminist movement has taught men that we should allow women to be our equals everywhere and work on more traditionally feminine roles ourselves so we can meet them halfway in other areas. I find this a touch weird but have come to accept it... Mostly... There are other things too, this is the tip of the iceberg probably!

What do others wives/girlfriends /boyfriends/husbands say about you that they find annoying or difficult to handle /comprehend? Please leave your pride at the door if you are replying!

Forums > Living in Kunming > Fingerprints?

I got a Malaysian criminal check through their consulate in Kunming, does the American Embassy not offer the same service?


No results found.


Call me an optimist but I think once the Subway is up and running there is going to be a substantial drop in car usage and ownership. Its fairly obvious that Kunming has had some major developments of new living/working areas on its outskirts over the past 10 years with nothing built to connect them together (except for the overcrowded bus systems). The result is people somewhat needing to own a car to enable the to get around efficiently. The subway (once full implementation happens) should go a long way to solving the problem provided the integrate effectively with the bus system... lets just hope its that simple (I did say I am an optimist!).

Hi Omgiri, I aren't in Kunming at the moment, returning in September. Will be keen for a ride up there with you if you are still around! Just have to figure out how to get my bike there from New Zealand...

I knew I wasn't dreaming! www.gokunming.com/[...]

A half decent mtb park would be a pretty cheap way and a good start to creating a world class training facility for MTB'ers. There are so many bikers around KM as well that I imagine the manpower for maintaining the trails wouldn't be hard to find.

Hey, where is this trail, it looks like fun! How do you get there? I have biked a lot around Changchong Shan and not seen this one...

Just a random idea... I remember reading a while ago the Kunming government talking about investing some ridiculous sum of money into making Kunming a high altitude international sports location. Was I just dreaming that??

If I aren't dreaming, it would seem like a good option for them would be to section off a piece of Changchong shan and earmark it for a MTB park. I am sure local clubs could provide the manpower and experience to develop the trails, it would just need government sponsorship of the land and tools, which could be dual use with forestry (which tends to be the norm where I am from and works pretty well - the trails get ripped up once every 20 years when the forest is harvested, a good opportunity to make improvements, while the trails provide forestry workers with foot access through the forest). As there are no shortage of both foreign and local riders, it would seem a feasible idea. If it was done to a high enough standard, it could also be advertised as a cheap high altitude training location internationally. Who's with me???

Bugger, might have lost that big comment I wrote as I think I got logged out.

I tried the route but was turned around by fake policemen who stopped me from attempting the road I wanted I think due to a quarry doing some explosives work (I heard the booming!).

This map shows the route I took kind of (the blue markers) to the road, then a new route I just mapped out as well. Will be trying this one tomorrow probably... maps.google.com/[...]

Will let you know how it goes. My route from the other day somehow became corrupted on my phone so I can't upload it. I ended up cycling out to a town called Daoshao Cun and then cycled back.

Might head out there tomorrow if anyone else is keen? 8am start, will bike up past the new visitor centre then keep heading north along the tracks. Have checked it out on google earth and it looks quite rideable. Have mapped it out (not in detail!) here: maps.google.com/[...]

Anyone see anything wrong with my route (other than a couple of times not actually being on a road... will have to find my way I think!)?



So fast, so convenient. One star off for opening before the train station stop is connected!


Wow, just wow. Possibly the best Chinese food I have had in Kunming. And in one of the nicest, traditional courtyard style restaurant I have been in. A woman dressed in traditional qi pao playing a gu zheng just adds to it.

We had okra, mushroom soup, dried beef and chou dofu. All top notch with the bill coming in at just over 250 kuai. But we could have fed 3 people for that so not too bad at about 80-90 kuai each. Not the cheapest but for the quality, it's damn good.

If you have people visiting and want to take them to a traditional Chinese style restaurant with Yunnan style food, or want a romantic night out with a gal, you can't go wrong here. Close to Green Lake (down a little alley) for a romantic walk... Just perfect.


Pretty good place for getting all your documents translated and/or notarised. Note that there are a number of notaries in the building which you can find by going up the stairs (the elevators are impossible). But you have to find the stairs to do so... go in the door, head over to the right, go up the big wide stairs which head up a floor, turn right then right again into the elevator area and right again into the stairwells. Whew!

One point off for the elevators never being available and having to hike 7-9 flights of stairs (not good if you have to go 3-4 times a day like I often did!)


This does not stop at the Jinanya hotel at Da Shang Hui as the flyers state (and is on the images tab here). They need to have another stop in the same area or else they are missing out on covering a big chunk of the city.

You can take another bus, the 919C, I believe, if you are nearby Da Shang Hui, which leaves from the bus station on HeHong Lu, nearby the Qianxing road intersection. This bus goes every hour and is white, found at the western end of the station. It is operated by a different company and takes about 1 hour 10 minutes to get to the airport due to a large number of stops especially near the airport.

Great bus though if you can catch it!


Friendly people, even got to the talk to the vice consulate, who told me she had done a stint in Malaysia's Siberian Consulate!

English is spoken by some of the Chinese girls working at the desk who are pleasant to deal with. I assume they do Visa's as well but I wasn't here for a visa, this time!