We're getting together a page where readers can submit new places directly into our listings system, but it might be next week before that appears. In the meantime, either jot suggestions here as Piers suggests, or ping us a message through the GoKunming contact form, which is located at www.gokunming.com/en/contact/contact.php
@tanfei: The 14:47 report is what we used to write the update. However, the content of that page has been added to since then, adding the eyewitness reports etc.
I should add that Salvador's is not owned (or co-owned) by Italians, as that story reports.
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Head Autobot spotted in Wuhua District
looks about right
GoKunming Weekend Preview
thanks for that - we're not big 球迷 here, and just went on the info we received
World's largest recreational bicycle race coming to Yunnan
发布者@PerNordin, NordicWays
we've made the edit to "exercise race"
Kunming stunned by cafe bombing
发布者I'm sure Salvador's appreciates all the words of support they've received here.
As discussion has strayed into less palatable territory, GoKunming has now suspended commenting on this post.
Kunming stunned by cafe bombing
发布者@tanfei: The 14:47 report is what we used to write the update. However, the content of that page has been added to since then, adding the eyewitness reports etc.
I should add that Salvador's is not owned (or co-owned) by Italians, as that story reports.