用户配置文件: josh13

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Galaxy Note 2

Don't waste your money on that Galaxy, it doesn't worth at all, I use it before and after 1 month decided to sell it, now my iPad is going much better, you cannot compare both devices!

Forums > Living in Kunming > OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD

1.- Now, can i fly with shampoo, gel,licours???
2.- The worlds is better now??
3.- the nobel winner (obama) kills osama!!!
4.- Coincidence?? they give us the new on sunday night!!!
5.- coincidence? last days US dollar has benn recovering gradually in the exchange rate...
6.- ohhh yes, and the Osama's body now is in the sea!! hoho
7.- did you see the documental "zeitgeist"??

Forums > Living in Kunming > Where can I watch Barcelona-Madrid?

LBONES, you are talking about the refs, but you dont wanna talk about the barcelona's futball, I think the Barças team always ends up playing against 10 players because the other team (real madrid, arsenal, chelsea, etc,etc) is frustrated opponent... they're not able to stop the barça's Force, problem is not the refs, just look at those teams who lost one player against Barcelona!!.... one day in stamford bridge John Terry answer that "the only way to stop Messi is "KIcks"

Visca Barça!!


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