用户配置文件: vic077

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Forums > Living in Kunming > Flying a dog to Shanghai

Has anyone travelled on an airplane in China with a dog? My dog is only 4 kg so I think she can travel in cabin. I don't know the rules of Chinese airlines though. Anyone have this experience?

Forums > Food & Drink > Sweeteners other than sugar

I haven't seen any in KM, but have you thought about using taobao? I did a quick search using the English "stevia" and up popped many brands ranging form 78-228 kuai. Something to consider if you can't find it in stores.

Forums > Food & Drink > Red Lentils?

Anyone know where I can find red lentils in KM? I've checked 2 diff Carrefours but nothing. My Chinese friends told me any market would have them but they don't. I don't want whole beans, but the "typical" split lentils—like in Canada :-) The link shows a pic of what I am talking about as I don't know if it's the same worldwide.


Forums > Living in Kunming > Need new e-bike, don't know which brand??

My scooter was stolen last week (big surprise) and I am needing to buy a new one. I usually buy Tailg b.c I feel they are the best (plus my last 3 bikes have been Tailg) but they are currently not being sold in KM due to licensing issues. The stores might be open any day, but might not. I can't wait forever so I'm looking into different brands in the meantime. I can't read Chinese, so I don't really know how to research brand info. Any input/information would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

Forums > Living in Kunming > E Bike Crisis

I was told that on the second floor of the e-bike super mall on Xichang lu (just past the jinbi lu intersection) there is a registration office. Does anyone know if this is true?


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