Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming: A depressing place Kunming is the most depressing looking place I have ever lived at in my entire life.
Here are the reasons why:
There is no "creativity" in this city. Everything looks the same.
Most of the apartments around here are slums.
Food sanitation standards are non-existant.
The service at restaurants, even foreigner owned, sucks.
There are too many people around here. I don't like dealing with crowds and hoards of people everywhere.
This city is too noisy and polluted. Yes, this place is polluted. It is not as bad as Beijing, but I can tell the air is not clean.
There is nothing to do here.
The people here are not friendly, including foreigners.
People can't drive here in Kunming or pretty much all of Asia.
There is no such thing as defense driving or courteous driving.
A lot of these Chinese people around here are very sneaky.
The food sucks around here. It tastes like crap and it doesn't fill me up.
I wish I never came to this place. The only thing I like is the fact that pretty much everything is cheap.
Forums > Living in Kunming > "Yellow Fever" in Kunming Anyone else here have a bad case of "yellow fever"?
Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming sucks the life out of me... Well I have a bad attitude because I'm hungry. I can't find anything to eat except a bunch of f**** rice.
I need some meat.
The food in this city sucks.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming sucks the life out of me... Hey Texas Boy:
The actor from Full Metal Jacket said, "There is nothing but steers and queers in Texas, and you don't look like a steer to me"...hahahaha
Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming sucks the life out of me... I can't believe you people defend this place like it is some hidden jewel. This place is a f***** joke. There is nothing to do here.
I wish I never came here. I should have just gone to Manila. I would have been having a blast right now instead I'm walking around this depressing place they call Kunming.
How am I suppose to make it here?
I can't speak the language.
I can't buy a cell phone.
I can't buy a bike because I don't speak Chinese.
I can't hail a cab and go anywhere because I don't speak Chinese
I can't get laid because I can't speak Chinese.
I can't find anything to eat that fills me up, with the exception of the overpriced food at Salvador's. How is a tiny bowl of rice with veggies and a tiny piece of meat suppose to fill me up?
Some of you might say, "Why don't you just learn Chinese." Well, how am I suppose to learn Chinese?Chinese is not like Spanish, a language you can learn in five months. I read an article that said it normally takes a non-Chinese person 4-5 years to master the language. So what am I suppose to do, sit here for 4-5 years before everything gets better?
Like I said before, most of the language schools around here are rip-offs.
Get me out of here!!!