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Forums > Living in Kunming > Response to "gaoxing"

A response to "gaoxing" is sure to come along, not that I want to be the first to do it, but here you go. First, I would like to point out that this person is the same user who finds it necessary to use the gokunming classifieds to find a partner:


By the way, it's good to know that chivalry didn't die with you, gaoxing.

"This is how our evening would work out:

I will buy you a nice dinner and have a nice converstation with you.

After dinner, we can go back to your place or we can get a hotel room (I will pay for the room) and have a night filled with pleasure, excitement, and passion."

I've taught English to the Salvador's staff for almost three years now, and I'm happy to continue to do it. But let me tell you, gaoxing, none of us are trying to impress you. Many of us "regulars" have been in China for years and many of us consider this our home. Just because some foreigner fresh off the boat wants to chat doesn't mean we want to engage them, or we would have anything in common to engage them with.

So, we're all "douche bags" in your eyes. Well, perhaps you should take a moment to consider why we regulars are a little reluctant to strike up a friendship with a newly arrived foreigner. All too often, they turn out to be misogynistic tourists who have no interest in China beyond getting laid by a local or getting drunk. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and think about who really is the douche.

Forums > Food & Drink > On toilets and smoking

Where to begin with this thread is difficult. First of all I have to agree that the statements of km2005 are extremely insensitive, it's expats like this that are an embarrassment to the rest of us who are willing to accept and live with cultural difference and not try to impose our ideals on others. From a health perspective, squatting is actually better than the laziness of a sitter, which shouldn't matter since you are asked not to "poop" in Salvador's anyway.
As for the smoking, this stance that smokers are a different sect of society infuriates me. Smokers are just as much patrons as yourself. If you spend any amount of time in Salvador's you would know that the evenings are largely a Chinese patronage, and I am fairly sure that the management of Salvador's does not want to lose the business they have worked so hard over three years to establish. As cited above, Chinese people smoke, period. From 16 to 60, the patrons of Salvador's could just as easily move a few doors down Wen Hua Shang if they feel discriminated against. Again, it's expats who are unwilling to accept cultural difference that give the rest of us a bad name. If you want an environment without smoking or "stinky" toilets, GO HOME! There is a reason why China is called a "developing" country and we (expats) don't need small-minded people speaking as though they represent the rest of us.

km2005: "China should learn the best habits of the West"

I ask why? Ostracizing one group of people to please another! What is so progressive about that?!


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