用户配置文件: loucostello

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The CNAC Exhibition is a wonderful thing and I am happy it has come to be.
CNAC is also strongly linked to the Flying Tigers and many former Flying Tiger pilots flew for CNAC. Film director John Woo is getting his project underway to make a film about the Flying Tigers.

The story, the real story, of the Flying Tigers far exceeds anything any fiction writer could dream up. The suffering of the Chinese people was enormous and the history here demands respect. The potential for a great film is most significant and I wish Mr. Woo every success in this important film. Great care needs to be taken with the casting as any mistakes here can ruin the film.


Just wanted to add to the comments above that the John Woo film project about the Flying Tigers is getting off the ground. If he can make a good movie it would be great for the Air Park.

The story, the real story, of the Flying Tigers far exceeds anything any fiction writer could dream up. The suffering of the Chinese people was enormous and the history here demands respect. The potential for a great film is most significant and I wish Mr. Woo every success in this important film. Great care needs to be taken with the casting as any mistakes here can ruin the film.


The story, the real story, of the Flying Tigers far exceeds anything any fiction writer could dream up. The suffering of the Chinese people was enormous and the history here demands respect. The potential for a great film is most significant and I wish Mr. Woo every success in this important film. Great care needs to be taken with the casting as any mistakes here can ruin the film.


