A great place to check a good variety of water heaters is at B & Q, a British do it yourself home center near the site of the Horiticultural Expo in northeast Kunming (www.bnq.com.cn/website/BnqEnglish/default/map_kunming.asp). Take No. 47, No. 68, No. 69, No. 71, No. 72 or No. 146 buses to the last stop and walk back about 300 meters. Though most Chinese brands are probably adequate, quality control in Chinese products are spotty. Take a look at Ariston (a fully imported Italian brand) or AO Smith (a fully imported American brand). You'll find sizes ranging from 40 liters on up. You can also find "on-demand" or "tankless heaters" that can be very efficient and easy to install, but remember that they only work well when the incoming water supply is not ice cold. Many other places sell water heaters like Sunning Appliance and Gome Appliance, but at B & Q you will probably find someone who speaks English and you can arrange for installation.
After searching for nine months, I haven't come up with anything resembling Indian food here in Kunming. I just returned from a week in Hong Kong where we wound up eating Indian three times. Before we left, I made trip to a wonderful indian restaurant supply store in the Wan Chai district and loaded up spices. It'll have have to be home cooking until a few more Indian expats settle here in Kunming before we get some some delicious, fragrant food. By the way, if you headed to Beijing, Asian Star in the Choayang District has outstanding Indian food!
Liumingke1234, why is it so sad that people want to live their own lives. Children do not ask to be born. It is a great conceit of parents to expect to be raised by their own parents and then to be taken care of by their children. Each generation is responsible for the future, not for the past.
If you are elderly and can't take care of yourself or haven't made arrangements to be taken care of, the only fault is your own (barring any unforeseen circumstances). We all know that we are to going to age and at some point become feeble. Why is it our children's responsibility to take care of us?
I ask this as a childless, 56 year old, who is an only child.
@laotou, thanks for your comment. I think that there are two completely different worlds at work here. The official CPC line about harmony is a thinly veiled ideal of group think and uniformity rather than the kind of community spirit and cooperation we normally think of. The other world is the continuous improvement in the well being of a large number, albeit a minority, of Chinese people who have formed a large middle class open to a world of ideas and information beyond Chinese borders. As their children are exposed to the benefits of communal responsibility, as they experience more and more acts of selfless kindness by those around them, social responsibility and true harmony may yet come I the next generation. Let's hope so....now what to do about the other 900 million Chinese!
You've lived in China long enough to realize that there is virtually no sense of communal responsibility. It's every man for himself. Think about the traffic, getting on a bus or trying to buy a train ticket. Because traiditionally one could not rely on anyone outside of immediate family, everyone else is suspect. Hence, no one is willing to get involved.
Thanks for the great interview. I'm delighted to hear about the, obviously, active classical music scene in Kunming. When I lived there, I'm ashamed to admit that I had no luck in finding concerts like those discussed in the interview. I always wondered what the students who bought all those instruments from the musical instruments stores lining one long street near downtown were doing with them. Now I know.
Caring for Yunnan's elderly in the one-child era
发布者Liumingke1234, why is it so sad that people want to live their own lives. Children do not ask to be born. It is a great conceit of parents to expect to be raised by their own parents and then to be taken care of by their children. Each generation is responsible for the future, not for the past.
If you are elderly and can't take care of yourself or haven't made arrangements to be taken care of, the only fault is your own (barring any unforeseen circumstances). We all know that we are to going to age and at some point become feeble. Why is it our children's responsibility to take care of us?
I ask this as a childless, 56 year old, who is an only child.
Yunnan serial killer gets death penalty
发布者@laotou, thanks for your comment. I think that there are two completely different worlds at work here. The official CPC line about harmony is a thinly veiled ideal of group think and uniformity rather than the kind of community spirit and cooperation we normally think of. The other world is the continuous improvement in the well being of a large number, albeit a minority, of Chinese people who have formed a large middle class open to a world of ideas and information beyond Chinese borders. As their children are exposed to the benefits of communal responsibility, as they experience more and more acts of selfless kindness by those around them, social responsibility and true harmony may yet come I the next generation. Let's hope so....now what to do about the other 900 million Chinese!
Yunnan serial killer gets death penalty
发布者You've lived in China long enough to realize that there is virtually no sense of communal responsibility. It's every man for himself. Think about the traffic, getting on a bus or trying to buy a train ticket. Because traiditionally one could not rely on anyone outside of immediate family, everyone else is suspect. Hence, no one is willing to get involved.
Interview: Howard Dyck
发布者Thanks for the great interview. I'm delighted to hear about the, obviously, active classical music scene in Kunming. When I lived there, I'm ashamed to admit that I had no luck in finding concerts like those discussed in the interview. I always wondered what the students who bought all those instruments from the musical instruments stores lining one long street near downtown were doing with them. Now I know.
Kunming police launch website for foreigners
发布者As usual, it's nothing but a show. The "laws" may be written, but until there is rule of law, it's all a bad joke. They are deluding themselves.