We have talked about getting rid of smoking at Salvador's from the day we opened 3 and a half years ago. But there is the question of whether or not it would alienate our clientelle too much. Recently we were given the idea to first try it out one day a week. Kind of like the no car days once a month in Kunming. See how it goes and whether or not it is feasible to make it an every-day thing.
Our employees are all full time, and many have worked for us over 3 years. We hate the fact that they spend half of their days inhaling all that smoke. So I would really like to hear what you all have to say... especially the smokers. Thanks
Kunming stunned by cafe bombing
发布者Come on now, ChinaNow has a very good point and we would all be better off if ChinaNever never existed. Know that most foreigners who live in China are here because they love it. And most are very respectful. However, I agree that there are plenty of foreigners who do nothing but complain about life here, but they are really the minority. Unfortunately, the ass holes stick out more than the peaceful ones and therefore become the representatives of all of us. I encourage all foreigners to go back to the roots of why they are here. And go out of your way to be as respectful to everyone as possible. No matter how long we stay, we are only guests. This is not our country, and we should not let that fact make us feel as if we have more freedoms than we would back home. As one of the owners of Salvador's I encourage everyone to take what has happened to our restaurant and let it become a transition point for the foreign community. Bad actions reflect upon us all.
P.S.- now that we have been let back into our restaurant, I firmly believe that we were not the intended target and that the bomber was on his way somewhere else. Let's all just be thankful that no one, foreign or Chinese, other than the culprit was hurt.
Kunming stunned by cafe bombing
发布者I am one of the owners of Salvador's and was just outside at the time of the attack. First, I want it clear that never has Salvador's used gas canisters. It is illegal in our part of the city and we have gas lines in the building that we use so would never have the need for canisters. Second, I want everyone to know that all of our staff and customers are unhurt and physically healthy. The bomber, however, is no longer with us. I do not wish to discuss the nationality of the bomber at present, but I can only assume that it will be clear in the news tomorrow. We are shaken beyond words and can only wish you all a safe and happy holiday. Peace