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Forums > Travel Yunnan > Horse Washing Pond - Dali

I just returned from a trip to Dali and I took the cablecar to the Horse Washing Pond - Xi Ma Tang - My Goodness - what a ripoff - what a scam.

The Tian Long Ba Bu Movie Studio was built in 2006 - I visited this place once - only to locate the Japanese Monk Temple because this temple was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution and the movie studio now sits in its place and only a small stupa remains. Many people have realized that the Tian Long Movie studio is a ripoff so no one seems to visit this place any more except for the tour groups who are bused there daily. Ticket prices for the movie studio still remains at 52 RMB.

The cable car to the Horse Washing Pond has been conveniently placed at the top of the hill inside the movie studio so they managed to get people to pay for this ticket with the cable car as an excuse. I arrived at the studio at 8:30 am only to find that the area is closed off until 9:00 when the opening ceremony begins and lasts about 15 minutes. Once inside the studio you may either walk to the top of the hill or pay 20 RMB for an electric car shuttle. By the time we reached the first cable car it is now 9:30 am.

The prices to visit the pond is as follows.

Movie studio = 52 RMB
Cang Shan Protection Fee = 30 RMB
Cable Car = 200
Total = 280 RMB

I purchased my tickets at a travel agency in Dali Old Town (Corner of Foreigner Street/Yang Ren Jie and HuGuo Street) because they have discounted tickets so I only paid 220 RMB.

The scam continues - The Xi Ma Cable Car begins at the movie studio and stops at the top of the 7 Dragon Maiden Pool. At this point all passengers must disembark and go to a ticket window and get another ticket for the horse washing pond. The reason for this is because passengers are only allowed to the next stage of the cable car if the weather is good. If the weather is NOT good, then you just wasted your time and you can return to the movie studio and you will be refunded 100 RMB for the second half of the cablecar. However, you just paid 180 RMB for a cable car trip to nowhere. The 7 Maiden Pool is closed for repairs until at least the end of 2012. So no one is allowed to leave the viewing platform and there is absolutely nothing to see here.

The first cable car takes about 20 minutes and you must get in line to get your second ticket and then get in line to get in for the second cable car. By now it is 10:00 am.

With great weather and clear blue skies, I continued on the to the second leg of the cable car with the horse washing pond as my destination. The second cable car also takes about 20 minutes so by now it is 10:30 am. We were the first ones to arrive and we began our 1 km walk on the artificial wooden path with railings that has been built to keep tourists confined. There are several viewing platforms (rest areas) built along the way as well as 2 toilet facilities. As we reached near the end, the wooden path splits to the left and right. The path to the right (below and out of sight of the pond) was roped off so we went towards the left where the MAIN platform of the pond is located.

There are several viewing platforms along the way but only 2 platforms are in sight of the horse washing pond. We reached the lower platform that is at the same level as the pond but as we attempted to climb the last 100 meters to reach the main platform that is above the pond, we were stopped by a guard who did not permit us to climb to the top viewing platform that allows us to see and photograph the pond from above.

We were told that the platform is being repaired so my wife called the phone number on the ticket and demanded our money be refunded because the 7 maiden Pool was closed and the main viewing platform of the pond was also closed. Within minutes, another guard arrived as well as 2 policemen. There are several guards along the path as well as 4 police with binoculars who watch the surrounding area and make sure no one jumps the railing and gets off the wooden path. After speaking with someone from the complaint office we were told to hand the phone to the guard and we were permitted to climb the last 100 meters and reach the main platform.

The view here is exceptional. Some workers arrived that saw the commotion and told us that the main platform was built poorly and was lacking a foundation so the platform was slowly sinking into the

mud. Rather then rebuild or repair, they just close the platform off to tourists. The second toilet facilites is located on this main viewing platform. After 20 minutes of picture taking at the main platform we began to descend and we saw other tourists huffing and puffing at 3900 meters. As other tourists attempted to climb to the main platform, the guard stopped them and did not permit anyone to reach the top. We heard them complain and grumble and ask why the Lao wai was allowed up. My wife told them to call and complian but they just grumbled and were content to see the pond from the lower platform.

We took the cable car down to the 7 Maiden Pool but were NOT allowed to go to the viewing platform. We were told that we should have gone to the platform on our way up and we must go directly to the next cable car and return to the movie studio.

I went to the horse washing pond a few years ago by renting a horse. However, horses are no longer allowed to take tourists to the pond any more. I also, hiked to the pond a few years ago but now the police with binoculars monitor the area for hikers.

Because the 7 Maiden Pool is closed, there is no way to get into the Cloudy Tourist Trail that runs along the Cang Shan mountains. If any one is interested in visiting the Horse washing pond, I suggest you wait until the 7 Maiden Pool opens. This way you can get onto the Cloudy Tourist Trail after you see the horse washing pond and descend from the 7 Maiden Pool. Whether you pay 220 RMB or the full price of 280 RMB, I dont think its worth it to go to the pond especially if you are not allowed onto the main platform.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Hiking in Dali

The Horse-washing Pond lies between the Yuju and Ma Long Feng peaks in the Mt. Cangshan. It is 4,000 meters above sea level and legend says Khublai Khan washed his horses here after he crossed the Cangshan Mountains. The cable car begins at the Tian Long Ba Bu Movie Studio at an elevation of 2300 meters. The halfway point is the 7 Dragon Maiden Pool at an elevation of 2900 meters and finally ends near the Horse Washing Pond at an elevation of 3900 meters. A wooded path has been made including 2 viewing platforms. TICKETS: 240 Yuan.

I just returned from Dali yesterday and the cable car is up and running

Forums > Living in Kunming > Heavy Metal Toxin Testing

Results are good and well below standards. It is prudent to be tested and then keep the reports for future comparison especially for those who frequently eat seafood or work with toxic substances. For those with high scores - look into different ways to detox on the web.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Translation of drivers license, where?

Complete information for Chinese Drivers License

Step 1 – Translation of current License:

The Translators Association of Yunnan Province - 云南翻译工作者协会.
#2 Guo Fang Road - 国防路2 – Is located on the corner of Jin Bi Road + Guo Fang Road. Go to Jin Bi Road - Mi Le Si Bus Stop – Bus: 4, 62, 90, 120, 148, A1.
Walk 1 block east to Guo Fang Road – Opposite of Xi Chang Road.
Cost: 40 RMB for translation.
Phone: 4145503 or 4196335.
Website: www.ynta.org –

Online Quiz - www.chinacartimes.com/quiz/

Step 2 – What to bring:

1. Drivers License + Translated Drivers License + Copies.
2. Passport and Visa + copies.
3. Household Registration form.
4. 5 Passport Photos.
5. 60 RMB for the exam.
6. 12 RMB for the physical.
7. 10 RMB for the license.

Step 3 – Where to go:

Thursday is Foreigner Day –

Bus A6: Stops directly in front of the Vehicle Management Station.
Bus: 3, 66, 73, 95, 107, 118, 206, 213, 229, A8, C137, K12 (Jing Kai Qu Guan Wei Hui). Stops directly in front of the China Post Office – Turn right to # 12 Jing Kai Road.
Kunming Shi Che Guan Suo – 昆明市车管所 – Kunming Vehicle Management Station.
Phone – 7267863

Forums > Living in Kunming > foreigners drivers license

Complete information for Chinese Drivers License

Step 1 – Translation of current License:

The Translators Association of Yunnan Province - 云南翻译工作者协会.
#2 Guo Fang Road - 国防路2 – Is located on the corner of Jin Bi Road + Guo Fang Road. Go to Jin Bi Road - Mi Le Si Bus Stop – Bus: 4, 62, 90, 120, 148, A1.
Walk 1 block east to Guo Fang Road – Opposite of Xi Chang Road.
Cost: 40 RMB for translation.
Phone: 4145503 or 4196335.
Website: www.ynta.org –

Online Quiz - www.chinacartimes.com/quiz/

Step 2 – What to bring:

1. Drivers License + Translated Drivers License + Copies.
2. Passport and Visa + copies.
3. Household Registration form.
4. 5 Passport Photos.
5. 60 RMB for the exam.
6. 12 RMB for the physical.
7. 10 RMB for the license.

Step 3 – Where to go:

Thursday is Foreigner Day –

Bus A6: Stops directly in front of the Vehicle Management Station.
Bus: 3, 66, 73, 95, 107, 118, 206, 213, 229, A8, C137, K12 (Jing Kai Qu Guan Wei Hui).
Stops directly in front of the China Post Office – Turn right to Jing Kai Road.
#12 Jing Kai Road

Kunming Shi Che Guan Suo – 昆明市车管所 – Kunming Vehicle Management Station.
Phone – 7267863


No results found.


The video is very informative but does NOT specifically tell you where these locations are located. The entrance ticket to SHI LIN (Stone Forest) is 175 Yuan. I prefer to buy an annual ticket for 200 Yuan and I can use it at any time during the year. Bring your passport and you can purchase an annual ticket which includes entrance to the MAJOR stone Forest, MINOR stone Forest, BU SHAO SHAN, LI ZI YUAN QING, WAN NIAN LING ZHI, and NAIGU stone Forest (Black Stone Forest).

Most of the footage on the video is of the Black Stone Forest. Few people know about it so each time I go, there are very few visitors, less than 5 people. This location has been completely renovated but it lacks many basics. However, There is NOWHERE to purchase any food or water anywhere in the entire park.

Another location seen in the Video is DA DIE SHUI Waterfall. This USED TO BE included in the price of the entrance ticket more than 1 year ago but it no longer is considered part of the Stone Forest. Presently, the waterfall scenic area is under renovation. The Waterfall is located more then 30 km away from the main park. 2 years ago, you can purchase tickets for the waterfall ONLY for 18 Yuan but I have no idea what the price will be after the renovation is complete.

If you truly want to learn more about the hidden wonders of YUNNAN, please visit my website and see for yourself.


Good luck

I ASSUME that the writers and staff of GOKUNMING write these articles in an effort to inform the reader of an event or location of some significance in and around Kunming.

I find many of these articles lacking in vital information. In an attempt to be CREATIVE, the writers fail in being INFORMATIVE.

For example, the writers mentions Jiexiao Xiang many, many times but fails to tell the reader where this place is. Is it somewhere in Yunnan? Is it in Kunming? There are 5 districts in Kunming - is it in Pan long District? Or is it in one of the other 4 districts? Is there a major crossroad where this small alley can be found. Perhaps near Beijing Road or Guangfu Road.

I enjoy travelling and seeing new places and I research many of the places I visit. But I really would like to read an article here and NOT be left with MORE questions than when I started.

I ask the staff of GOKunming to please be more specific when writing about places to visit and give SPECIFIC directions such as name of town or village and county and prefecture when writing. Thank you.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.