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Forums > Living in Kunming > Getting a chinese driving license

Complete information for Chinese Drivers License

Step 1 – Translation of current License:

The Translators Association of Yunnan Province - 云南翻译工作者协会.
#2 Guo Fang Road - 国防路2 – Is located on the corner of Jin Bi Road + Guo Fang Road. Go to Jin Bi Road - Mi Le Si Bus Stop – Bus: 4, 62, 90, 120, 148, A1. Walk 1 block east to Guo Fang Road – Opposite of Xi Chang Road.
Phone: 4145503 or 4196335.
Website: www.ynta.org – Cost: 40 RMB for translation.
Online Quiz - www.chinacartimes.com/quiz/

Step 2 – What to bring:

1. Drivers License + Translated Drivers License + Copies.
2. Passport and Visa + copies.
3. Household Registration form.
4. 5 Passport Photos.
5. 60 RMB for the exam.
6. 12 RMB for the physical.
7. 10 RMB for the license.

Step 3 – Where to go:

Thursday is Foreigner Day –

Bus A6: Stops directly in front of the Vehicle Management Station.
Bus: 3, 66, 73, 95, 107, 118, 206, 213, 229, A8, C137, K12.
(Jing Kai Qu Guan Wei Hui). Stops directly in front of the China Post Office – Turn right to Jing Kai Road.
#12 Jing Kai Road

昆明市车管所 – Kunming Shi Che Guan Suo – Kunming Vehicle Management Station.
Phone – 7267863

Forums > Living in Kunming > Heavy Metal Toxin Testing

Food and other consumeable items can be tested at - Health and Service Center for Xi Yuan Community of Xi Shan District - 3rd floor - Xing Yuan Road - Directly in front of the Xi Shan District Square - also called Bi Ji Square - Blue Phoenix Square - Bus 62, 80, 82, 148, 153, 185, K10.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Heavy Metal Toxin Testing

I recently found 2 places that conduct heavy metal toxin testing here in Kunming. They only do urine and hair folicle testing and do NOT do Blood tests. I visited both sites and they seem professional enough to provide anyone with a printed report within a few days. The only tests they conduct are for Arsenic, Cadmium, Fluoride, Lead and Mercury. Each test costs 60 RMB. You may choose as many tests as you like. I tested for all 5 metals for 300 RMB.

I inquired about testing for Barium and Aluminium as they are the main ingredients in Chemtrails but they do NOT test for either of these 2 metals.

The 2 locations where you can be tested are:

1 - Yunnan CDC - 158 Dong Si Jie - Bus 148 - However, they only test 3 metals at this location - Arsenic, Fluoride and Mercury, they gave me different information when I called and visited and were not friendly or very helpful.

2 - Yunnan Province Metallurgy Hospital - Yunnan Sheng Ye Jin Yi Yuan - Guang Ming Road - Mu Dong Village - Bus 132 - Right behind Tan Hua Temple. This is the location I chose so that I may test for all 5 metals. The staff here were more helpful and willing to serve then at the Yunnan CDC.


No results found.


The video is very informative but does NOT specifically tell you where these locations are located. The entrance ticket to SHI LIN (Stone Forest) is 175 Yuan. I prefer to buy an annual ticket for 200 Yuan and I can use it at any time during the year. Bring your passport and you can purchase an annual ticket which includes entrance to the MAJOR stone Forest, MINOR stone Forest, BU SHAO SHAN, LI ZI YUAN QING, WAN NIAN LING ZHI, and NAIGU stone Forest (Black Stone Forest).

Most of the footage on the video is of the Black Stone Forest. Few people know about it so each time I go, there are very few visitors, less than 5 people. This location has been completely renovated but it lacks many basics. However, There is NOWHERE to purchase any food or water anywhere in the entire park.

Another location seen in the Video is DA DIE SHUI Waterfall. This USED TO BE included in the price of the entrance ticket more than 1 year ago but it no longer is considered part of the Stone Forest. Presently, the waterfall scenic area is under renovation. The Waterfall is located more then 30 km away from the main park. 2 years ago, you can purchase tickets for the waterfall ONLY for 18 Yuan but I have no idea what the price will be after the renovation is complete.

If you truly want to learn more about the hidden wonders of YUNNAN, please visit my website and see for yourself.


Good luck

I ASSUME that the writers and staff of GOKUNMING write these articles in an effort to inform the reader of an event or location of some significance in and around Kunming.

I find many of these articles lacking in vital information. In an attempt to be CREATIVE, the writers fail in being INFORMATIVE.

For example, the writers mentions Jiexiao Xiang many, many times but fails to tell the reader where this place is. Is it somewhere in Yunnan? Is it in Kunming? There are 5 districts in Kunming - is it in Pan long District? Or is it in one of the other 4 districts? Is there a major crossroad where this small alley can be found. Perhaps near Beijing Road or Guangfu Road.

I enjoy travelling and seeing new places and I research many of the places I visit. But I really would like to read an article here and NOT be left with MORE questions than when I started.

I ask the staff of GOKunming to please be more specific when writing about places to visit and give SPECIFIC directions such as name of town or village and county and prefecture when writing. Thank you.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.