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Forums > Living in Kunming > Residence Permit (RP) 2017

- Residence Permit - RP - Foreigner married to a Chinese citizen.

- References:

1 - The Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China - Effective July 1, 2013 - English version - www.kmcrj.com/flfagui/flfginf.aspx?id=42

2 - Visa Categories - www.china-embassy.org/eng/visas/t1071018.htm

- Required Documents: April 2017 - The entire process took exactly 40 minutes including photos.

1 - Invitation Letter from spouse - (Get form from PSB Officer).
2 - Visa Application - (Get form from PSB Officer).
3 - Photo on 1st floor (30 Yuan).
4 - Passport + copy.
5 - Previous RP + copy.
6 - Latest entry and exit stamp into China + Copy.
7 - Marriage Book + copy.
8 - Local police Registration Form + copy.
9 - Wife's ID card + copy.
10 - Wife's Hukou + copy.
11 - Kunming Temporary ID Card + Copy - If your spouse does NOT have a Kunming Hukou, then she must get a 1 year Temporary Kunming ID card at the local police station. This process take 20-30 days so do NOT delay. Your wife must prove she is a resident so she will need rental contract or letter from employer or student ID card.

- Fees: You can no longer pay with cash so you must pay with some form of plastic.

1 year RP = 400 RMB - No physical required.
2 year RP = 800 + 472 (Physical) = 1272 RMB. For the older folks - I recommend you do the 1 year RP just in case you have some medical issues that may hinder you from remaining in China.

- When: Apply 20-30 days before your current RP expires - Do not delay!

- Travel: The receipt you are issued can be used for travel purposes along with a copy of your passport and previous RP. You will be without a passport while the PSB is waiting to issue you a new RP.

www.gokunming.com/[...] - Police Clearance - Criminal Background Check

- NOTE: For those who have been living in China for some time and have been re-issued new passports, I highly recommend you take the time to get the Police Clearance (Criminal Background Check) completed before departing Kunming. This form will be required if you move to another province or if you are returning to your home country.


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The new cards can be used on both the subway and the buses. However, the 20 Yuan deposit is NOT refundable. This is a recent scam I discovered recently when I turned in my old bus card to get the new subway + bus card. If you do not beleive me - go ask for yourself. You are charged 1 Yuan every month until the 20 Yuan deposit is depleted.

GK still has not learned to give specific information when writing articles. Where in the world is FuYuan County? It would be nice if the writers did a little research and gave the specific location of this county. Is it Wenshan? Qujing? Where?

Yunnan reopens 13 international border crossings - although the title of the article claims 13 International borders have been opened, I find it very hard to believe that they are in fact International and Not Local borders.

Recently I have seen many post regarding Myanmar with much heresay and conjecture being passed with the sole exception of Peter99 who has actually crossed the border and knows what he is talking about. Of the 13 borders mentioned above, 5 are for Myanmar. Lets see if one of those posters makes their way to one of these small borders and tries to cross into Myanmar without success.

The Hekou border in Honghe has always been opened and is certainly an International border. I have no idea why this border is mentioned as one of the 13 borders that has been RE-opened.

The Border in Mohan, Mengla, Xishuangbanna has also always been opened and is certainly an International border. Again, no idea why this border is mentioned as being RE-opened.

I caution anyone who wants to use any of the borders mentioned here to go verify the information at the appropropriate Consulate.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.