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Forums > Living in Kunming > Obtaining a Resident Visa (Green Book)

I have been married for LESS than 5 years so I am NOT eligible for this program. I went o the PSB (14th floor) to inquire because I was with a freind who was trying to do this so I got a copy of the regs for both of us.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Obtaining a Resident Visa (Green Book)

I have a (6 page) copy of the regulations that I got about 4 years ago. from the 14th floor. I am sure there have been some changes to it so I really hope someone can get a new copy of the regs. The 1 year residence permit is what every married person gets nowadays but that is NOT the same as the Residence (Green Book) permit we are talking about here.

My frieind and I were joking but it is somewhat true. The reason no one gets a green book is NOT because they can't get one but rather because no one seems to make it past the 5 years of marriage - They get divorced before 5 years.

This is one topic that no one seems to have any expertise about because I still have not met one person who has gotten this Green Book Residence Permit yet.

Lets hope you are the first so you can lead the way for the rest of us.

Forums > Living in Kunming > acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Accupuncture doctors vary depending on the problem you want treated. I don't think it is enough to ask about a doctor here - you should also ask about what specific condition you want treated. Some are better for allergies, other are better for back problems, and so on.

Forums > Living in Kunming > 101 Good Reasons to live in China

This thread is about the GOOD things in China. If you want to complain or you feel China is NOT good then feel free to make your own post about the negative things in China.

However, this post is for Positive and Good things in China only.


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Everyone needs to contribute - Now it begins - Yes, we must contribute but when the population does not make their deadline (Dec 31), we must pay - another tax coming just around the corner.

Just like life insurance in the good old USA, you will pay for it whether you want it or not. If you don't pay, they just steal it out of your bank account.

Agenda 21 - controlled by the UN (1 World Govt) will be in charge.

The Global Warming Lie has now conveniently morphed into Climate Change since the weather did not cooperate with the CO2 lies.

Funny how there is no mention of the real problems in the world. The EPA raises the safety limits on poisons every year so that the multinational companies can continue to pollute and make a profit. In the meantime, we get to eat, drink and breathe more pollutants.

There are several noodle shops that are still run by very old people. I saw a beautiful OLD noodle machine (at least 50-70 years old) in one shop and I would love to buy it (Keep an eye on the obituaries). It just needs to be cleaned up because it has decades of flour stuck on it and it will make a wonderful addition to a home museum.

Weishan has not been commercialized yet. Any smart foreigner with some business savy can buy up a lot of antiques very cheaply and make a great cafe/museum/information center/guesthouse like the one in Xishuangbanna; he has his fingers in every pot.

Lots to see in the surrounding area - great place to retire, still make an income, and be the #1 laowai of the town.

Heijing offers the same.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.