Forums > Living in Kunming > A bad day created by spam text. Do not delete the messages you received. Save them and file a police report. I know many people do not want to take the time to do this but believe me - it is worth the time.
These people continue to harass because no one takes the time to report them.
I just went through this a few weeks ago and the problem ended as soon as I filed a report. The police called each of the numbers that were sending me messages right in front of me at the police station.
Forums > Living in Kunming > GoKunming feedback I hope others can begin to see the writing on the wall - as it is very clear to me - Expect more rules and more censorship. In another similar post, Tiger briefly and directly stated - If it ain't broke, dont fix it. But no, the need to control, the need to make the world safe is too much for some to bear. What ever happened to the best rule of all - Live and let Live.
There are many times when I find some threads which I dislike but I find that Self censorship is the best - I just move on and continue with my life and not allow a few words on a screen to occupy space in my mind.
I found that people who are obssessed wish censorship (pornography, for example) on the internet are the same ones who can't keep their eyes off of it. Since they lack the self control to stop themselves they demand for censorship in hopes of bringing sanity to their own lives.
In the end, this site will self destruct on its own.
Forums > Study > Looking for the reviser Revise, edit, proofread, correct, doublecheck, triple check, correct, help - Nice word game.
Spring, I agree with your comment - By the way, good people always see good things, evil people always see bad things.
Spring, I hope you do NOT think all westerners are the same. You came here for some simple assistance but all you got was sarcastic remarks. I will gladly help you check your paper but I am NOT an economics major. Send me private message of you still need help.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Dating Chinese Girls Crazy - I am wondering? What languages did you teach before? You stated that you have taught languages (plural) for years.
I am a 33 year old English teacher from French Louisiana. I will be in Kunming for about a year, then will be opening my own language schools around the world. I am educated with a Master's Degree in Languages. I have taught languages for years, including university level.
Forums > Living in Kunming > sex first or friends first? Nicy,
I am wondering? Do you have any western friends? Male or female? Any western teachers you may have met in the past? I am also wondering about your age? Are you in early 20s? Mid 20s? Early 30s? The reason I ask is because your age is relevant to this question.
Also, you wrote - I saw a lot of nice handsome guy looking for fun. I am confused. How do you know they are handsome? When you say you SAW, do you mean you actually saw them, met them, or do you mean you SAW their post?
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Govt sponsored means the govts control the drug trade. From what I can tell, China is truly trying to stop this and does not sponsor the drug trade. The USA controls the drug trade 100% in Colombia and 100% in Afghanistan as well as many other places. There is enough evidence to support this. Simultaneously, it uses drugs to destroy society. Read crossing the Rubicon, the author, Michael Ruppert now lives in Venezuela to get away from the USA.
Cannabis is a medicine but the USA via the FDA and the AMA does not want this to be common knowledge. If anyone needs treatment for cancer, just go to Tijuana, Mexico because that is where all the Real doctors went to evade further harrasment and prosecution from the FDA. Cannabis is medicine and the patents will prove this, but the USA still classifies this as an illegal drug.
Govts define what is safe and unsafe. There is nothing we can do about this because the govt is run by the most evil and crimminal people on the planet. I certainly do not agree with their definitions but it will not change. 70% of the entire planet protested the Iraq war but they still went to war. Codex Alimetarius is another list of definitions made by the evil govt. Vitamins are bad and poison is good according to them. Smoking is good because it kills millions every year.
Portugal has legalized all drugs but no one wants to use this example of how ridiculous the war on drugs is. Drug use and crime in Portugal has declined sharply.
Bolivia legalized cocaine and the USA is not happy. Colorado legalized cannabis but the federal govt still persecutes people in Colorado.
Alien, how can I properly explain everything without writing a book.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Bolbbles, If you think you can get a complete explanation about a complicated topic via a forum then you are being unreasonable. I am not being sarcastic at all. I truly mean what I wrote here because it is the only solution to this problem. The 5 items I posted is a reality of life. I admit they are absurd but this world is absurd. The govts that control the world are insane. I have been to Colombia, as a civilian and also via the Marine Corps. I know the scam. I have friends who work in border Patrol, drugs and illegal immigration are both a scam. Afghanistan is up to full production of Opium thanks to the USA who has armed guards to protect the oipum. More than 50% of violent crimes are alcohol related. Smoking kills millions every year worldwide. Banks launder money for the drug cartels and the govt knows it. Air America is still a reality and contniues to this day. This is not sarcasm, this is all true.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者I live in China because China is a much better place to live in than most of other places. Yes, there are some problems but what country does not have its share of problems. But overall, China is a great place to live and China is genuinely trying to resolve this problem.
Alien, I know you are sincere in your questions. But my God, what dont you understand about the 5 items I listed. It is impossible to explain all this in detail if you truly do not know about all these govt projects.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者If you read what I wrote about cannabis you would know that I do not consider pot a drug. But now that you made a fool of yourself you call me a troll. Very mature!
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者It is obvious that Blobbles did not read my last post before entertaining us all with his ridiculous story.