Forums > Living in Kunming > Coloradans and guns The right to VOTE combined with freedom of speech should ensure people are kept safe from their governments and generally does. Really? If Americans believe they have the right to vote then they have been fooled. I am NOT fooled and I recognize I do not have a right to vote for who I want. Why is Ron paul not allowed to debate? When he is allowed to debate, why does he get 5 minutes while others get 20 minutes? Why is he mocked when he says he wants to close all foreign bases, end the Federal reserve, and get rid of the CIA and IRS? Why was Cynthia McKinney booted out of office? We are given the illusion of choice in voting for Bush or Kerry (Yale) or Obama or Clinton or Romney. Why is every person who runs for office either an Rhodes Scholar, Skull & Bones, Freemason, or CFR member. If you think this is right to vote - then go for it and continue to live the LIE.
To use Saddam in Iraq as an example does not help your arguement as he was working for the CIA since late 1960s. He was funded and armed by the USA to use him to fight our war against Iran.
Funny how smallpox has been eradicated and there has not been a single case of smallpox since the 1970s. Yet the only place were this virus can be found is in Ft DetricK Maryland. What does this have to do with our topic. Well, I was one of the guinea pigs who got over 20 vaccines before the invasion of Iraq. We got Anthrax (Cow disease), and bunch of other shots because we knew Sadam had these in his arsenal. We knew because we gave it to him during the war with Iran.
Freedom of speech - Lets see - If MSM does not show this on the news then it must NOT be true. Mass arrests, people beaten, 8 cops attacking one person, breaking their arms behind their backs, shooting people who are handcuffed. All this has occured when people were expressing themselves and even had a permit to assemble. If you call this freedom of speech - then go for it. Just because one person is not aware of something happening does not mean it did not happen.
I am US Marine Corps veteran of 20 years. I do not know know others past but I do know my own. Yes, the US has the ability to bomb any country back to the stone age as was evident in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, and so on. But in the end, soldiers must go on the ground and clear the streets. This is why a few men with guns in Afghanistan have been able to stop the mighty USA. Just like was done in Vietnam and Korea. A few men with guns were able to stop the evil invaders.
I am glad to see that you watched the film I provided. Also keep in mind my last few words which I mentioned earlier. Wait and see. because although this has NOT happened in the USA yet, it will very soon. Time will tell.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Coloradans and guns The right to bear arms is NOT outdated and needs no revision. The right to bear arms was written for one purpose - to keep people safe from their own governments. Watch the video I provided above and learn.
As for nuclear weapons, there is only one country I fear which already has nuclear weapons - the USA. The only country that has used them against innocent civilians as well as its own population. The rules of war clearly state that one country can not attack non-military targets. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were NOT military targets.
Why doesnt the US intervene in North Korea although it wants regime change there - because they have nuclear weapons. Why does the US attack small countries - because they have no nuclear weapons.
Many continue to use the word CRAZY to describe James Eagan Holmes. He is NOT crazy, he is mind controlled. What do most people do after they commit murder? They run or they kill themsleves. But mind control victims just sit by and wait to be arrested. Holmes just finished shooting more then 70 people and he should be wanting more deaths - so what does he do? He warns the police that his home is booby trapped. Yeah right!
I never heard a police chief make a statement just a few minutes after a murder. But here comes Chief Oates stating that Holmes is a lone gunman without even beginning an investigation. He could care less about witnesses who stated that there is another suspect or the other gas mask and rifle found outside the door of the theater while Holmes was still sitting and wearing his gas mask. NO mention of why the alarm did not go off when the emergency exit was opened 3 times.
There really is no need for debate - just wait and see - During Katrina, the military was used to go house to house to confiscate weapons from registered owners. At this moment there are numerous drills going on in many cities in the USA where police and military are practicing confiscation of weapons. Just wait and see for yourself. Perhaps you will wake up when they come knocking on your door.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming rainfall I just received the latests stats on rainfall from the Kunming Meteorological Bureau in Chengong.
Jan=16 mm, Feb=0, Mar=36, Apr=14, May=147, and Jun=142 - Total 355 mm.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Coloradans and guns Here is a great video to learn the Truth about Gun Control.[...]
Forums > Living in Kunming > expat population in Kunming I believe in GOD but my God has no religion, therefore, I have no religion. Buddhists believe that the cause of all suffering is ignorance. Ignorance causes both sides of the Christian (Pro + Con) debate. It is lack of knowledge that causes these arguements. I will play the devils advocate for both sides now. For the Christians - I still have not met one Christian who can explain the meaning of the Council of Niceae or why Phillip who was Jesus' disciple can not write a gospel but Saul/Paul who never even met Jesus wrote half the New Testament. Or why Genesis 2:26 reads (Then God said, Let US make humankind in our image). Or who can explain the origin of the Nephellin. Or why Rick Warren, who is the leader of 1 of the 100 largest Christian churches recently joined the CFR. For the Anti-Christians - My dad told me long ago - If you argue with an ignorant person then you are more ignorant then they are. I would like to understand the beliefs and reasoning of why Christians come to China to Evangelize, so I welcome a civil, respectful, and intelligent dialogue with any Christian outside of this forum. I hope some Christians are willing to meet offline, face to face, and respectfully discuss (not argue) this sensitive topic. By the way, I recently met 3 members of this forum in a face to face meeting at salvadors. I did not post a new forum asking for a Meetup. I simply contacted them by PM and requested a meeting and we met and discused and learned.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Govt sponsored means the govts control the drug trade. From what I can tell, China is truly trying to stop this and does not sponsor the drug trade. The USA controls the drug trade 100% in Colombia and 100% in Afghanistan as well as many other places. There is enough evidence to support this. Simultaneously, it uses drugs to destroy society. Read crossing the Rubicon, the author, Michael Ruppert now lives in Venezuela to get away from the USA.
Cannabis is a medicine but the USA via the FDA and the AMA does not want this to be common knowledge. If anyone needs treatment for cancer, just go to Tijuana, Mexico because that is where all the Real doctors went to evade further harrasment and prosecution from the FDA. Cannabis is medicine and the patents will prove this, but the USA still classifies this as an illegal drug.
Govts define what is safe and unsafe. There is nothing we can do about this because the govt is run by the most evil and crimminal people on the planet. I certainly do not agree with their definitions but it will not change. 70% of the entire planet protested the Iraq war but they still went to war. Codex Alimetarius is another list of definitions made by the evil govt. Vitamins are bad and poison is good according to them. Smoking is good because it kills millions every year.
Portugal has legalized all drugs but no one wants to use this example of how ridiculous the war on drugs is. Drug use and crime in Portugal has declined sharply.
Bolivia legalized cocaine and the USA is not happy. Colorado legalized cannabis but the federal govt still persecutes people in Colorado.
Alien, how can I properly explain everything without writing a book.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Bolbbles, If you think you can get a complete explanation about a complicated topic via a forum then you are being unreasonable. I am not being sarcastic at all. I truly mean what I wrote here because it is the only solution to this problem. The 5 items I posted is a reality of life. I admit they are absurd but this world is absurd. The govts that control the world are insane. I have been to Colombia, as a civilian and also via the Marine Corps. I know the scam. I have friends who work in border Patrol, drugs and illegal immigration are both a scam. Afghanistan is up to full production of Opium thanks to the USA who has armed guards to protect the oipum. More than 50% of violent crimes are alcohol related. Smoking kills millions every year worldwide. Banks launder money for the drug cartels and the govt knows it. Air America is still a reality and contniues to this day. This is not sarcasm, this is all true.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者I live in China because China is a much better place to live in than most of other places. Yes, there are some problems but what country does not have its share of problems. But overall, China is a great place to live and China is genuinely trying to resolve this problem.
Alien, I know you are sincere in your questions. But my God, what dont you understand about the 5 items I listed. It is impossible to explain all this in detail if you truly do not know about all these govt projects.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者If you read what I wrote about cannabis you would know that I do not consider pot a drug. But now that you made a fool of yourself you call me a troll. Very mature!
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者It is obvious that Blobbles did not read my last post before entertaining us all with his ridiculous story.