I in no way changed what I accused you of! Read it again. Perhaps you imagined that I claimed that you didn't tell him anything?
If you know the laws so well, then you could've simply asked the driver not to smoke, quoted the statutes, and even threatened to report him, WITHOUT ACTUALLY REPORTING HIM.
Then you could have simply asked the driver not to smoke = According to you, I did NOT ask because you are clearly stating that I SHOULD or COULD have asked him not to smoke. Who is imagining? Who should read again?
One thing I recommend is not saying/writing something online that you wouldn't say to someone's face. The stuff about ASS etc. is a bit over the top, don't you think? I said nothing about ASS - I wrote - You ASSume and Judge rather then ask simple questions. Apparantly, you never heard of this expression. ASS+U+ME = When you ASSume, you make an ASS of U and Me. Perhaps this is only a military expression which civilians have never heard of.
Yes, you should use this forum to ask simple questions, not to criticize.
I don't know why I ever bother with anything besides basic Kunming Q and A stuff on these forums. From now on, I am going to take my own advice and just stick to replying to posts like "when does Metro close?, "How much do scooters cost?", etc. = This is clearly the best statement you have made today, I am glad you will take your own advice.
Finally, since you embarrased yourself yet again because you stated that you like this - Well I certainly enjoy embarrassing myself in public. Now you resort to threats = Seriously, you would have dental bills if you said that to a strangers face. Don't push your luck. To tell someone they would have dental bills is clearly a threat to knock their teeth out. Dont push your luck is clearly a warning and a threat. I would feel shame if I made a threat to someone I did not know. I would feel shame if I made a threat to an older and weaker person that I can easily hurt. I would feel shame if I made a threat to someone younger or weaker. I would feel shame to say that I enjoy embarrassing myself in public.
You are absolutely correct when you mentioned in another post that one should be very careful when choosing a martial arts teacher. A true Master teaches that violence is a last resort and only to be used defensively. Most importantly, a true Master will never teach a student to make threats or act as a bully. Read Sun Tzu in regards to choosing one's battles and assessing enemy strengths and weakness.
You initiated your posts directly to me for some reason. I never wrote a post asking Aaronb for his opinion or response. I did not solicit your response. I did not ask you any questions. I did not ask for your opinion. I did not ask if you thought my actions were right or wrong. I did not threaten you. I did not criticize you. I am only responding to your posts and using your own words which I cut and paste from your own posts and I am explaining the events that took place. When I make comments on this post, I do NOT direct my comments directly to someone unless they have directly contacted me first as is the case with you. Keep in Mind, when you begin a comment or post with another person's user name - then you are directing the comment specifically and directly to that ONE person. To direct a reply to a person who is asking a question is fine but when you direct criticism, sarcasm, judgement, or you want to play arm chair quaterback and replay and relive events of the past, and give advice of what SHOULD or COULD have been done, then you are opening yourself up endless possibilities. Read Teddy Roosevelt's - Man in the Arena.
I believe you have started this interchange based on one major error. That you think or assume that I am bragging or taking credit or enjoying what happened to the driver. If that is the case, then let me clarify again. I certainly did NOT know or enjoy what happened to the driver as I have explained to you many times. I had no idea what would happen to the driver. I just wrote on this post to INFORM others that the Mayors Hotline is just one method of getting positive results. No one who calls the hotline knows in advance what action they will take. The only reason I knew was because they called and wrote back to me explaining what action THEY already took.
What I find very ironic is that you sent me your first verbal attack immediately after I just finished writing about being calm, respectful, and not making personal attacks to other members of this forum.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Govt sponsored means the govts control the drug trade. From what I can tell, China is truly trying to stop this and does not sponsor the drug trade. The USA controls the drug trade 100% in Colombia and 100% in Afghanistan as well as many other places. There is enough evidence to support this. Simultaneously, it uses drugs to destroy society. Read crossing the Rubicon, the author, Michael Ruppert now lives in Venezuela to get away from the USA.
Cannabis is a medicine but the USA via the FDA and the AMA does not want this to be common knowledge. If anyone needs treatment for cancer, just go to Tijuana, Mexico because that is where all the Real doctors went to evade further harrasment and prosecution from the FDA. Cannabis is medicine and the patents will prove this, but the USA still classifies this as an illegal drug.
Govts define what is safe and unsafe. There is nothing we can do about this because the govt is run by the most evil and crimminal people on the planet. I certainly do not agree with their definitions but it will not change. 70% of the entire planet protested the Iraq war but they still went to war. Codex Alimetarius is another list of definitions made by the evil govt. Vitamins are bad and poison is good according to them. Smoking is good because it kills millions every year.
Portugal has legalized all drugs but no one wants to use this example of how ridiculous the war on drugs is. Drug use and crime in Portugal has declined sharply.
Bolivia legalized cocaine and the USA is not happy. Colorado legalized cannabis but the federal govt still persecutes people in Colorado.
Alien, how can I properly explain everything without writing a book.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Bolbbles, If you think you can get a complete explanation about a complicated topic via a forum then you are being unreasonable. I am not being sarcastic at all. I truly mean what I wrote here because it is the only solution to this problem. The 5 items I posted is a reality of life. I admit they are absurd but this world is absurd. The govts that control the world are insane. I have been to Colombia, as a civilian and also via the Marine Corps. I know the scam. I have friends who work in border Patrol, drugs and illegal immigration are both a scam. Afghanistan is up to full production of Opium thanks to the USA who has armed guards to protect the oipum. More than 50% of violent crimes are alcohol related. Smoking kills millions every year worldwide. Banks launder money for the drug cartels and the govt knows it. Air America is still a reality and contniues to this day. This is not sarcasm, this is all true.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者I live in China because China is a much better place to live in than most of other places. Yes, there are some problems but what country does not have its share of problems. But overall, China is a great place to live and China is genuinely trying to resolve this problem.
Alien, I know you are sincere in your questions. But my God, what dont you understand about the 5 items I listed. It is impossible to explain all this in detail if you truly do not know about all these govt projects.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者If you read what I wrote about cannabis you would know that I do not consider pot a drug. But now that you made a fool of yourself you call me a troll. Very mature!
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者It is obvious that Blobbles did not read my last post before entertaining us all with his ridiculous story.