Forums > Living in Kunming > Scooter Shop Recommendation I thank you for inquiring to me directly. I believe asking is the best way to become informed rather then guessing or jumping to conclusions.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with your inital question. The problem was when you made the second remark. Because no one replied to your question, the post eventually made its way to the second page. Obviously, you did not like this, so you wrote BUMP to make the post climb back up to the top.
Ask yourself, what was your purpose for the second remark? If your question was legitimate, why did you NEED to put a second remark that has no meaning or purpose.
I hope this explains clearly. My other 2 replies are more detailed. They can help you understand the effect you are having on others who use this forum. I think your other posts are better examples and you need to look at all of them collectvely rather then just looking at this one post in isolation. Please look at all your posts not just this one specifically. Also, look at the replies from other members. Ask yourself, why are they so sarcastic to you? Do you see such sarcasm in other posts? Or is the sarcasm only directed to you? If so, why.
Also, go see how many of your other posts have been locked out. Ask yourself why or better yet, ask the moderators to explain why they locked you out.
I HATE censorship, I believe that everyone has the RIGHT to say anything they want as long as they are not hurting anyone else. Your posts do NOT harm others. However, the new staff at GK are not the same as the previous staff. I have never seen a thread locked before. There was no censorship before. But now, I see censorship. I can understand why the new staff is doing this. I understand their reasons, but I do NOT like it. Please try to understand that when you make remarks that they dont like, it has an effect on all of us. Once the censorship begins, it will continue and get more severe. The we all will eventually lose this wonderful resource.
I hope this helps you to understand the big picture. I repeat again, you are NOT harming anyone directly. But if your remarks cause the staff to begin to lock=censor - then we are all being harmed.
I hope you have time to meet face to face and ask about this if we do meet as was suggested in another post. I think it will benefit you greatly to hear what others have to say.
I have answered you honestly, rationally, logically and respectfully, so I hope this helps you to understand. Good luck
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Alien, I know you mean well but we already live in a world were millions of people are murdered (on purpose) every day and the entire world condones it.
The UN is a useless entity that serves the rich. Israel has violated so many UN resolutions yet the world has done nothing for over 60 years. They murder people and all the UN does is pass resolutions and tell Israel they broke a law. Iraq broke 1 rule and they were on Saddam in a minute. Millions killed in Iraq, Chile, Argentina, Guatemala and the list goes on and the world does what? Nothing. So please do not say it would not be condoned.
Totalitarian control is very possible because there are many countries with this type of govt and it is not Syria or North Korea, or Cuba. The EU is now totalitarian, the peole have no way to vote for their leaders just as in the USA. Billions are given to bankers and the majority of the population disagree but there is nothing they can do because if they try to protest they are beaten and arrested. Am I insane or is this not a fact? How many countries object to austerity measures yet the people can do nothing.
Many people are put on the no-fly list and see what happens to them. They have no legal rights and they are guilty until they can prove themselves innocent. Last I heard there was a 5 year old on the list - Haha.
The USA is a fascist country and this did not happen because of me.
Finally, drugs are NOT uncontrolled. They are in fact very much controlled by the govt. Talk to border Patrol agents (not rookies) and they are told when to search and when not to search. Everyone knows the schedule of the border patrol in San Onofre near Camp Pendleton. Drugs go by in trucks as innocent people are stripped searched at borders in search of drugs while the drugs pass through in huge trucks. It is an illusion.
I am trying to be very clear - it does not matter what I think or you think is an illegal drug - It does not matter because we are dictated what is legal or illegal. We have no choice. If the USA was a democratic contry then many things would change but they never do because it is no longer a republic and it is in no way democratic.
If there was a vote tomorrow, who would vote for spending trillions on war and weapons and who would vote for education, health and so on. Of course, the overwhelming majority would vote for education, infrastructure and NOT war or weapons. So why doesnt it happen???
Alien, I read your posts and you seem logical and intelligent from what and how you write. Is anyhting I am stating here untrue or is it not factual. Look at the condition of the world, the entire world, not just a few countries. Everything is purposely set to fail and cause chaos. Everything!
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者You really made me Laugh. I admit that was a GREAT one. Very good Magnifico. Time for a truce. You got me.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者How about putting a very powerful poison in all illegal drugs so when the drug user take the drug they will literally kill themselves. This way no one must bear the responsibility of their own deaths. After some time, all drug users will die off and the drug demand will end all drug wars. With good education, young people will not fall into this problem.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者we all made a pact not to ever do it again after a bad experience. - So even casual drug use does have negative affects on people.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Now the truth comes out. You defend this cause because you are one of the many that do take drugs. I dont care if you took drugs once or 100 times. I dont care if you are useful or not to society. No one is going to execute you. Grow up fool. Dont you realize where you are? This is a forum where people discuss topics and all people have different opinions. This is not a personal battle between Hugo and Blobbles. How old are you? Perhaps the LSD you took as an adolescent has impaired your judgement and left you with the maturity of a 13 year old.