I really do not get it. I have been here going on 14 years this Dec and I have never been attacked in any way - verbally or physically. Keep in mind that I am always photographing taxi and bus drivers and reporting them or threatening to report them for not using their meters. I do this in plain site with 10-20 other cabbies standing around in front of many bus stations. Great opportunity for them to jump on me or my wife gang style.
Years ago, I stopped 8 chinese guys in their 20s from beating the crap out of another smaller chinese guy. I did this by grabbing the biggest guy there by the throat. Neither he nor his 7 buddies resisted and they let the other guy go. I am 166 cm, the big guy was over 175 cm. They could have easily turned on me but they did not.
This case seems unique in that the person (Liam) attacked was not under the influence or hanging out in Kundu or doing other alcohol related activities. Every time I hear of these attacks I always wonder what was the triggering element as most chinese are not aggressive. Again, this case is atypical.
I have found that a simple smile can prevent 95% of any altercation and the eye of the tiger can avoid the remaining 5%.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Nicotine is an addictive substance that directly affects the levels of dopamine and noradrenaline in your brain. It quickly causes physical as well as psychological dependence on the substance and in a very short time a person will develop Tolerance to this substance which means they need it more and more to continue to get the desiried effects. This is why smokers will continually need to smoke more and more.
So if you want to ruin your life and be hooked on this garbage, go right ahead. I see some people who are always complaining about how expensive things are getting. How the price of food is so expensive and how fruit prices are soaring, but they will never stop paying over 500 per month for their precious cigarettes.
Ask a smoker how much they pay for a pack of cigs and ask them how much they smoke each day/week/month. Then you can figure out the cost of their addiction and how they are selfishly stealing from their own family!
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
More innocents hurt from drugs
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
Great video
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Bingo and the Wang Ba (Internet Bars) here in China. Full of addicts. Bingo halls are not only full of little old ladies. Plenty of addicts in Bingo Halls and Indian Casinos. Hehe!
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者I friend took me to an Indian Casino on a reservation when I lived in Southern Cali. I was amazed at the cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and how so many people repeatedly went to break a $100.00 so they can continue with their gambling addictions.
On another ocassion I went to a Bingo Hall. My god, I was overwhelmed trying to blot out the numbers on just 2 Bingo cards and I could not believe how the Obese (food addicts) women with a cigarette (Tobacco addict) in their mouth could blot the numbers on 20+ Bingo cards (Gambling addict) while simultaneously stuffing donuts and apple fritters in their mouths.