Forums > Travel Yunnan > Shaxi from Qiantou The new highway from Dali or Lijiang can take you to Jian Chuan where you can visit the 1000 Lion Mountain, Jian Chuan Old Town, Shaxi Old Town, and Stone Treasure Mount (Shi Bao Shan).
You can rent a taxi from Jianchuan for 200 Yuan. The taxi will take you to all 3 temples in Stone Treasure Mount and bring you back to Jianchuan. - You can also do the entire loop for 250 Yuan. Jianchuan to Shi Bao Shan then on to Shaxi and then back to Jianchuan.
I recommend you stay an extra day and climb 1000 Lion Mountain. I really like this place.[...] - Jian Chuan[...] - Shaxi[...] - Stone Treasure Mountain[...] - 1000 Lion Mountain
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Shaxi from Qiantou 桥头 qiaotou - is NOT the same as Qiantou.
Do you mean the Qiaotou in Hu Tiao Xia in Shan Gri La in Diqing? Near Tiger Leaping Gorge.
Tiger Leaping Gorge is at the border between Lijiang and Diqing. If this is where you are then follow the advice given to you above by Voltaire.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Shaxi from Qiantou If you gave us the chinese would be most helpful.
If you told us where it is would be most helpful.
Is it in Dali or Lijiang or Sichuan, etc?
Most people know where Jianchuan and Shaxi is but most people have no idea what/where Qiantou is.
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Beijing by train - Did I miss something or did I include this link in my previous post.
I think checking the train website I posted above will generate more speedy and accurate results rather than coming to ask this same question in this forum. It is a great website to save to your favorites.
However, if feeling bored and lonely because of lack of friends or spouse (social interaction), I guess this is probably the best way to garner some attention.
This thread is about the train schedule to Beijing. Stay on topic and stop. . . Haha!!!
Forums > Living in Kunming > Good Movies for 2015 And I thought this thread was about movies.
Fundraiser: More For Baby children's autism center
发布者Thank the vaccines from the west for the rise in autism in China. Unheard of before.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Yes, you entertain us all the time.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者The film 2012 was not about the world ending in 2012. However, the predictive programming message in the film is that only the elite will be saved and the remaining (95%) population will die. The Georgia Guridestones clearly states that humanity will be maintained at 500 million. How do you maintain population at 500 million when there are 7 billion human beings on this earth?
This was my point in purposely making my absurd comments about executing the drug addicts. I got so many arguements from many drug users (except Kate) about my comments yet as millions as murdered around the world all most can talk about is KFC, Burger King and if drinking in public is legal in China.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者Seems like you missed the entire purpose of the movie.
Laos extradites drug suspects to Yunnan
发布者This is the purpose of the UN and why they designate places as UNESCO sites. So the elites can enjoy these places after they cull the useless eaters.