Forums > Travel Yunnan > Travel to Taiwan - Chinese only My wife's student (28 y/o nurse) just returned from a visit to Taiwan. Visiting Taiwan is expensive and there are many restrictions for chinese nationals. The time limit is what really turns me off. Limited to 15 days but they will let you know exactly how many days one is allowed just before the trip begins. The nurse only got 7 days.
My wife and I also went to an agency to get some info. Going through the entire trip with an agency is inexpensive (4000 Yuan/7 days) but that is a terrible experience. Severely restricted to only 7 days and one is held captive and can not venture on ones own.
I am glad my wife got the Taiwan passport but it does not look like we will be going any time soon, not with those time limits and definitely not with a tour group.
Forums > Food & Drink > Greek Food Haali - Excellent post - You brought those unrealistic numbers back to reality. Great!!!
Example - the number of people in a 5 km radius who will go to Walmart is very diff from the people in a 5km radius who will go eat Greek food.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Please sign the petition. Very good point Jan. Yes, I have learned so much about the laws and regs in Yunnan/China because of my reports because they must be objective and have legitimacy. As I mentioned earlier, prepare a good script and use words such as safety, danger, law suits, etc. and you will always get results.
As you pointed out, calling the mayors Hotline will increase awareness and will result in someone checking up on this issue. This is very important because as is the case many times, things are done using the back door and not all Is and Ts are crossed - so they did not follow regs to the letter. This is probaly the case with Mr Bear. A few well placed calls will reveal that some rich guy did all this using back door channels and in the end some corrupt officials may hang for this.
If this was my crusade, my first call will be to a zoo that maintains polar bears (not black/brown bears) because they can give me the right scoop and all the regs for polar bears in captivity.
Forums > Living in Kunming > Please sign the petition. Thanks for your reply - I will let Tony be offended by your sarcastic remark.
I stated I made over 200 reports to 12345. They were all imporatnt to me that is why I initially made the report. However, some took longer then others which in a way magnifies their importance.
However, my reports have nothing to do with Mr Polar bear in GZ.
I choose my battles carefully and I have learned that trying to fix a problem that is not in my immediate area is more difficult (Nasty beasts taking off their shoes and putting nasty, smelly bare feet on food trays and other chairs on the CRH 1st class train) because it requires dealing with agencies outside of Yunnan. For the train all letters must go to Beijing. Still working on this since last year when I went to Gansu and Xinjiang.
As for Mr Bear I just gave you the answer but I will repeat myself. Pick up the phone and dial GZ area code + 12345. Prepare a script (about how terrible, habitat, etc) this polar bear issue is and have many different people call. At the same time call a few GZ agencies such as animal control and a few others and the problem will be resolved if you put some due diligence effort into the matter.
When I make a decision to solve a problem I am in it for the long haul, regardless of how many obstacles and loop holes I must jump through. Like I said earlier, the longest problem I completed with 12345 took 18 months - thats Due Diligence!
So I agree with Tony, If you want to really fix this problem, then do exactly as I said - I have 12 years expereince with over 200 examples of success. If you just want to pass time and argue with others on this forum, then continue with your petition which will do absolutely nothing because it will never get into the right hands. More importantly, you have no idea who is working this petition and what they will do after they get signatures.
My way works and you will know exactly who you are calling and dealing with and you have 100% control of how far this issue will go - depends on you - not others!
Bar Code, news, reporters and a myriad of other means are available to those who realy care.
Fundraiser: More For Baby children's autism center
Fundraiser: More For Baby children's autism center
Villainous jade king attempts billion yuan fraud
发布者Serves them right. Stupid is as stupid does.
Fundraiser: More For Baby children's autism center
发布者Alex, you are entitled to your own despicable opinions. If you feeel it is fear mongering then that is your opinion. And opinions are like A-holes, everybody has one. I have seen the effects of vaccines with my own eyes. My nephew has autism, my sister is a nurse and I have been the victim of vaccines and have seen what vaccines do to perfectly healthy men.
If you like vaccines, then go get as many as you like and encourage all your friends and family to do the same.
I encourage people to read more and avoid getting unecessary vaccines.
Fundraiser: More For Baby children's autism center
There are many scientific articles regarding this topic and there is a lot of misinformation as well. All testimony from parents that had normal children at birth who became autistic after vaccines is never reported or just plain deleted.
I am sure the plethora of experts on this forum will come to the rescue within a feew minutes.
For those who believe, no proof is necessary, for those who do not believe, no proof is ever enough.