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Forums > Living in Kunming > Please sign the petition.

When I rescued the pangolin - he was going about his biznez. However, I did not interview (Dr Dolittle) him to ask him if he was from the wild, escaped, or a domesticated pet.

I did not make any assumptions because at that time I was in a residential quarter in the city. If I found any animal now where I presently live I may assume he is wild because I live at the foot of the Mian Shan Mountain Eco Park.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Please sign the petition.

Great. We all heard your opinions. Thanks for those and the history lesson. - Who was this sarcastic remark intended for? Before I answer any specific questions.

Because if you do not call an organization some jerk will either eat him, sell him or take him home as a pet - there is a reason for this fascination.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Please sign the petition.

Every large city has a Mayor's Hotline (12345). When I want a particular issue resolved, I have all my university students randomly call in with a prepared script that will be recorded when one calls into 12345.

This has ALWAYS worked for me and always gives me the results I am looking for.

When multiple calls are received for the same issue, it goes directly to the minister who handles that field and will be floored at the Mayor's meetings.

In the last 12 years I have made more than 200 reports and every single issue was resolved within a few days, some took a few weeks, very few took a few months and one was just completed that took 1.5 years. So 12345 does work and does guarantee positive results.

Work smarter, not harder! When one understands how to use the system it will produce positive results. A few well placed phone calls to the appropriate agencies will get immediate results (Even from Kunming to Guangzhou).

In my last residential quarter we found a pangolin in the courtyard. A nasty guy came with a bag with the intent to carry him off but I physically stopped him while my wife called the PO-lice and animal control.


Since Mr. Polar Bear is not in Kunming I have no idea how this issue can be resolved - it must be done by the people in GZ.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Kunming Zoo

Few people are aware that there are several historical and cultural sites inside the Kunming Zoo.

www.gokunming.com/[...] - Wuhua District sites.

All the sites are clearly marked and easy to find if you know what you are looking for. These 4 sites are district, city and provincial level sites of Wu Hua District in Kunming.

4 - 唐继尧墓 – TANG JI YAO MU

en.wikipedia.org/[...] - Here is the list of National sites in Yunnan.

www.gokunming.com/[...] - Here is the list of National sites in Kunming.

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Places to stay around 100km of Qujing?

Luoping - 9 Dragon Waterfall + Buyi Village.

Luliang - Sha Lin - Sand Forest.

Xuanwei - There are 8 Ham companies (Black pig) in Xuanwei. I had a 2 hour tour of a xuanwei plant (small) and it was a learning experience (Packing, cleaning, prepping, sausages, shipping so on). Xuanwei is home to 1 of the 3 famous hams in China. Xuanwei is also the home of DengXiaoping's wife. Train goes to Xuanwei.

Xuanwei Ham from Yunnan + Jinhua Ham from Zhejiang + Rugao Ham from Jiangsu.

Qilin District - Capital has much to see for me because I am into temples. Also Dragon park. There are several historical and cultural sites in Qilin district. Train goes to Qilin.

Huize has a lot to see but that may be out of your 100 km radius. It is 100 km from Zhaotong. Several historical and cultural sites in Huize.

Largest earth dam in asia.
9 Hui Guan (halls) from different provinces in China.
Nagu + Baiwu Old Towns are on the Historical list.
Tang Ji Yao's house (Tomb is inside Kunming Zoo) as well as some Red Army locations.



A bit more out of town is the Black Neck Crane Nature Reserve.

Lots of history here. For me there is a lot to see but for others they may feel differently.


No results found.


there is a direct correlation between current gas extraction tactics and increased earthquakes in nearby areas - So this scientist must be a conspiracy theorist since he claims fracking causes earthquakes. Finally, somebody speaks the TRUTH!

11 am and already drunk - typical alcoholic.

Since you want to compare wives - then I will be happy to oblige you. Everyone knows that chinese who dont speak english want to learn english and others who speak some english want to improve their english.

Since you admit your wife refuses to learn english - it is obvious that you are the one married to a black farmer = illeterate woman who can not read or write so she therefore has no interest in learning english.

Anyone who has met me has also met my wife and knows that she is a beautiful, educated woman. You just incrimminated yourself. Typical of an alcoholic spewing nonesense from his piehole.

Keep digging your own grave. I have a list of all the unsatisfied customers you have ripped off.

I charge 8400 per year plus cost of books. Usually 5 to 8 students per class. Yes, you really contribute to society - plus the long line of people who are so disgusted with your services and have nothing good to say about you.

im married to a chinese woman she refuses to learn english. - This says a lot about you and the person you choose as a mate.

if im drunk ill show baidu maps and add 5 yuan. And this says much about your personal life of an alocoholic.

As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, President Barack Obama has signed an amendment to Executive order 13295 - List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases - April 2003 - allows for the apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.




The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.