Forums > Living in Kunming > How are Black-Aqmericans treated? Yuanyangren - Since you have taken the initiative to comment to me directly I shall reciprocate in kind. I do Not know you. I do not know if you are young, middle aged or old. I merely replied to a post on this forum. I did not direct my reply to you or anyone else on this forum. Therefore, I was not attacking you but for some reason you are defensive. As the saying goes, If the shoe fits, wear it. You have put the spotlight on yourself.
I will use your own words - your last sentence hints at ignorance and lack of knowledge - Thank you for proving my point and showing your own ignorance and lack of knowledge since you do NOT know the meaning of AmeriKa. It is not mispelled, it has a specific meaning which you obviously know nothing about.
But let me just comment on your "getting pulled over by the police in AmeriKa comment: In a country as diverse as America, That Kind Of Crap Is Not Going To Happen. Obviously it has not happened to you, I wonder why? Ever heard of profiling? Do you even know what DWB is? Those 9 words you wrote just made you lose any credibility and are evidence that you are not qualified to comment on this topic. I perfectly understand that in your reality this has never happened but this is 100% reality for many people of color in the US.
Let's not get off topic here by comparing America to China. The title of this post is - How are Black-Americans treated? Aside from the obvious spelling error caused by the letter Q which is above the letter A on the keyboard, the OP is not asking about black Africans, or black hispanics or Thais, so there clearly is a Direct relevance to comparing Amerika with China. To tell a black american that there is racism in Kunming, China is as absurd as telling an Eskimo or a Russian that it gets cold in the winter in Kunming. Nothing is absolute, all things are relative to perspective and experience.
Similarly, how do you know that the people you walk past aren't saying something negative about you behind your back? People talking behind someone's back is not discrimmination nor racism - This is more in the realm of Paranoia - not racism. As a foreigner in China, I am offered a seat on a bus, people come up to me and want to engage in conversation, they ask me questions, they ask me where I am from. This is Not racist behavior!
Forums > Living in Kunming > How are Black-Aqmericans treated? Mightymouse, Only one person identified his color and that was Calgrad so his is the only response that has any relevance as far as I am concerned. Calgrad clearly states - I've been in China a long time and racism in China is not like it is in the States. I'm mixed (Black and White) and I haven't had any problems. I've had no problems with anyone in Kunming.
You did not state where you are from so I have no way to compare racism in China (There is no racism here in China) with any other country that you may have experience with.
I am not white or anglo and I have never had any problems with racism in the last 8 years in China or 3 years in Japan. Like Calgrad, I am giving you firsthand knowledge on the topic not something I read in an article or heard from a friend of a friend. White people have no idea what it feels like to be pulled over by the police in Amerika for DWB at least 3 times in less that 5 miles. When white people talk about racism they usually begin with - I have a friend...
Forums > Living in Kunming > How are Black-Aqmericans treated? There is a recent crackdown on foreigners working without a Work Visa. Be careful!
Forums > Travel Yunnan > Back to Kunming and Yunnan very soon !!! I can only address the places in Yunnan that do not belong to the mainstream touristic destinations as you put it. I like to visit the out of the way places that most tourists miss.
And I have been to Yuan Yang many times.
Forums > Living in Kunming > What is bad about Kunming and Yunnan? Yunnan or most places in China are a great place to live. Unlike the USA, Yunnan is not a police state. SWAT teams do not raid homes and kill the people in their own homes. People in the streets and in buses and trains are not frisked by police doing random searches and the Chinese military does real humanitarian work here as evidenced by the earthquake of 2008 and the annual floods in certain regions of China. The military does not patrol the streets and they are not flying around in black helicopters doing terrorist training in the streets (Urban Warrior). Chinese military does not shoot its own residents during natural disasters like the USA did during Katrina when it killed people trying to leave a flooded area by crossing a bridge to higher ground due to flooding. Chinese are not racists and foreigners are welcomed from all corners of the world. All people in China must pay income tax but they are unaware of it because it is done by employers and 80% of the people do not need to file income tax (Only rich and business owners). There are no IRS raids on people here in Yunnan that confiscate all your property. China does not spray chemicals on its own people with airplanes (Chemtrails). Anyone can buy penicillin or simple antibiotics over the counter without paying a doctor $100-$200 for a doctor's visit to get a presciption. The infrastructure in Yunnan is at most 8 years old (Dali/Kunming highway) or as new as today as evidenced by the new airport and metro line as opposed to the crumbling infrastructure of the USA that was built between 1930 and 1950. 70% of Americans are overweight and 50% are obese due to the garbage that is sold as food. Here in Yunnan, fresh vegetables and fruits can be found anywhere. China has a huge population but it does not have the homeless problems of the USA. 60% of Americans have some sort of addiction; drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, rage, shopping, etc. and the USA has the highest rate of mental illness despite its small population because of the high stress. 30% of adults are on prescription drugs such as zoloft, xanax and prozac and 20-35% of children are on prescription drugs for behavior problems such as ritalin and lithium and the number keeps rising each and every day.
Jin Feibao runs bomb-shortened Boston Marathon
another good video with crisis actors and fake blood
The southern China sunrise tour
发布者Mosuo - Lijiang - Lugu Lake
Woman offers marriage in exchange for brother's healthcare
发布者Total Cognitive Dissonance - On one hand we value and cherish a single life with utmost sincerity while simultaneously killing hundreds or thousands without blinking an eye or shedding a single tear. The world is sick and confused. I pray I am not around for the reckoning that awaits all humanity because there will be no where to hide. Our collective sin is Apathy.
Woman offers marriage in exchange for brother's healthcare
发布者No matter how you slice it, this article is a perfect example of the dysfunction that is now all over the world.
Woman offers marriage in exchange for brother's healthcare
发布者If his treatment fails again and he dies, then she will want a divorce. Marry into this family and you will be paying for every relative in the family.