Went to dinner at Greenery Cafe the other day. Saw a party of 10 at another large table. After they were done eating all 10 of them were playing with their phones and not a single person was speaking to another at the table. So ridiculous, I took a picture of them and they all happily smiled not realizing how stupid they all looked to me.
This morning, there was a mother and her 14 y/o son at the basketball court in our residential quarter. They were playing badmington together. However, her son had a racket in one hand and phone in the other. What a fool (both of them).
After playing badmington, they started jogging around the perimeter of the court. Again, the kid running and looking at phone at the same time. Finally, the mother started wrestling the phone out of the kids hand at which time I applauded her.
Can't even count the times I have seen parents give their kids a phone to play with so they will not be bothered. As young as 6 months old, as though it was a toy or a rattle or pacifier.
When I see women in the bus who nearly falls down because they can not hold on while the bus is braking because they have a bag in one hand and a phone in the other - Soooo stupid. Saw a woman actually fall down just the other day - Haha! Shame did not break her neck.
What does all this have to do with wechat - just another tool for the fools!
Every person now carries the largest library in the world in their pocket or bag but 95% of them just use it for entertainment purposes rather than actually learning something. The more technologu they have the more ignorant they become. Makes them easier to control - Haha! Stupid slaves.
Jin Feibao runs bomb-shortened Boston Marathon
another good video with crisis actors and fake blood
The southern China sunrise tour
发布者Mosuo - Lijiang - Lugu Lake
Woman offers marriage in exchange for brother's healthcare
发布者Total Cognitive Dissonance - On one hand we value and cherish a single life with utmost sincerity while simultaneously killing hundreds or thousands without blinking an eye or shedding a single tear. The world is sick and confused. I pray I am not around for the reckoning that awaits all humanity because there will be no where to hide. Our collective sin is Apathy.
Woman offers marriage in exchange for brother's healthcare
发布者No matter how you slice it, this article is a perfect example of the dysfunction that is now all over the world.
Woman offers marriage in exchange for brother's healthcare
发布者If his treatment fails again and he dies, then she will want a divorce. Marry into this family and you will be paying for every relative in the family.