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Forums > Living in Kunming > We're going to be ranked and categorized.

The half naked laowais splattered on the floor like turds are the reason why China is tightening the noose and raising the standards for teachers - limit the number of less-skilled laowai = eliminate the riff raff.

Anyone with eyes can see that the police are not helping the laowais but restraining them. I am sure someone here will come up with the idea that they were attacked by nationalistic and xenophobic chinese.

Now this thread has turned from nationalism, socialism, xenophobia, and discrimination into income tax. laws.

shanghaiist.com/2016/09/12/work_permit_ranking.php - Back on topic = work permit!

Foreigners will be given points based on:

1 - Salary in China.
2 - Educational background.
3 - Length of work in China.
4 - Chinese language proficiency (HSK).
5 - Age (25-40)
6 - Where they work (city, county, village)

Very reasonable requirements.

Forums > Living in Kunming > We're going to be ranked and categorized.

This is for foreigners with a work visa. This has nothing to do with any other types of visas.

shanghaiist.com/2016/09/12/work_permit_ranking.php - limit the number of less-skilled laowai.

In its continuing quest to attract more highly-skilled foreign talent - and limit the number of less-skilled laowai - China is planning to streamline its work visa system, while also neatly categorizing all the expats. China will classify all foreign workers into three distinct categories:

A (top talent) - 85 points or higher? You get an A, congratulations, you're one of the good ones!

B (professional talent) - Only 60 points or higher? That's a B, still have some work to do.

C (unskilled workers or those working the service industry) - Below 60 points? Sorry, you're a C-level talent. You have been judged and found wanting,

Foreigners will be given points based on: 1 - Salary in China, 2 - Educational background, 3 - Length of work in China, 4 - Chinese language proficiency, 5 - Age, 6 - Where they work = Seems like very reasonable requirements.

Absolutely nothing wrong with this policy - Supply + demand = Competition. A white face is no longer enough - Time to get certified + qualified. This has nothing to do with discrimination, nationalism, zenophobia or socialism.



Forums > Travel Yunnan > Mi Zhi - Midu - Dali



This is a great little Old Town that is on the list of Historical sites.


Midu is 30 minutes from Xiang Yun - Midu is 1.5 hours from Xia Guan - Mi Zhi is 40 minutes from Midu.

The place you want to see is called Wen Sheng Jie in Mi Zhi. This is great for a 1 day trip. Lots to see nearby - I will make a list of all the locations nearby as soon as I get home.


No results found.


deposit of 99 yuan.. deposit is automatically returned upon each completed payment.

All the 99 yuan deposits can NOT make up for what I saw today during my 40 minute bus ride.

3 bikes which had the seat completely removed and 1 bike that had the from wheel removed.

Cost of repairs and cost of sending workers to do the repairs - Haha!

What did I see today?

Saw 2 OFO workers wearing yellow vests with letters OFO on the back repairing over a dozen bikes in a street corner near my house.

Saw 2 OFO bikes chained near the rear entrance of Wicker basket. Apparantly they are now OWNED by 2 workers there.

I predict that OFO will be out of business in 3 months. Once a person gets the combination to a bike, it becomes private property and the company can no longer get any revenue from that bike.

Kids are smart and have time and they knnow that people seldom turn the dial of the combination or they just turn the 2 center dials. Within a few minutes of fiddling with a lock anyone can usually get the combination at which time the bike becomes private property. This is why most of the bikes I see kids riding are the yellow OFO bikes.

With no GPS there is no way to track these bikes - Hehe!

I wonder how many people who have commented here have actually used this program here in Kunming.

Bikes used in other provinces or in other countries is NOT the same as here in Kunming.

Since the bikes are scattered everywhere and people are hiding the bikes so they can have sole use of it - how can any person find a bike to use. Unless one is willing to walk long distances and has already paid to be able to use all 3 types of bikes - this program is absolutely useless.

I caught a slumdog hiding a bike in my garden 2 days ago. I see plenty of bikes all over the city so there are plenty to choose from but hundreds of the bikes are intentioanlly hidden after use so they can be used at the doorstep the following day.

In my Resd Qtr I saw 3 bikes totally destroyed - 1 had a flat, other had rear wheel missing and other had handle bars bent. How does anyone bend handle bars unless it is done intentionally. This is just 2 months after the program has begun.

The bikes need to be put in a bike rack where they are easily accessible to all as is in many other civilized cities here in China like Gansu and Guangxi. I am sure there are others.



The new Visa office is located at 118 Tuo Dong Road. There is no number on the building yet so do not bother to look for it. There are 2 passport photo shops on either side of the building. The office is located directly in front of the Kunming Museum. The bus stop is named - Shi Bo Wu Guan - Bus 1, 62, 109, 117, 145, 213, A1 and K3 stop directly in front of the office. Foreigners need to go to the 3rd floor. The Tuo Dong Stadium is located to the right of the office while Baita Road is located to the left of the office.