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Forums > Living in Kunming > Indoor Soccer in Kunming?

Hi, we are a group of people interested in playing football 5, 6 or 7 a side especially during the week, we are trying to get more players to build the teams and make it regular, contact me at 13619621045. Roberto

Forums > Study > Costs for hiring Chinese teachers

rando, teachers prices change according to the contract they have, in good schools of chinese you can find great teachers paid 20 kuai per hr but that's because they are guaranteed a certain amount of hrs a week and a steady job...so that really depends on what kind of job you are providing and for how long..
don't listen to people who talks about the bad putonghua in km, i've met great instructors here especially among young people..

Forums > Living in Kunming > Laowai in Beijing trys to rape girl...

Wu Fei, I think you destroyed an interesting interpretation about the psychology of potential rapists in a foreign country where they might feel out of law and morality with a terrible stereotyped conclusion:

"Those weird things Chinese do and Foreigners do. I think the differences are that most Chinese do them inconsciently. well, Foreigners do on purpose, challenge themselves or a big show-off to others."

So basically every foreigner come to china to do weird things and show-off to others?
Hope for you that you don't really believe what you wrote....or maybe I should understand "every potential foreign rapist do it on purpose"?

In that case how can you explain that around the world the criminality comes also from parts of society that are often discriminated or got less chances than average people? These people would have a superiority or inferiority complex?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Laowai in Beijing trys to rape girl...

Hi, I'm a Chinese girl I am using the account of my friend because I want to talk to blobbles,
you should say to the family of your gf that this guy is very bad but he doesn't represent the laowai in china, generally most foreigners are good and respect china, chinese law and culture so it's not fair to have prejudices about the all laowais.
In China also Chinese guys do things like that, even worse like raping and killing after. No matter who you are, foreigner or chinese, if somebody does something like that he deserves to be punished.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Laowai in Beijing trys to rape girl...

That's a very interesting thread, rick dikolous your point makes absolutely sense but the truth is that china is not ready yet for that cosmopolitan mentality, maybe the more open minded people thinks like you but they are definitely a minority.

Most people still divide the world in zhong guo ren e lao wai and I think for the chinese culture a foreigner disrespecting a local is more serious then the same thing happening between chinese. They wouldn't do something disrespectful in a foreign country, or if somebody would do it the others would kick hjs ass and then apologize for him just for the fact to share the same nationality even if they would have nothing to do with what happened.

Many people are labeled chinese before human, being mainstream and part of a community is a value for this culture more than being a free mind, they even have idioms on that. Recently there was a reportage about a foreign guy who helped some locals in trouble while chinese completely ignored them and the news emphasizes that as a "losing face" for China. Most people agreed on that. That's not propaganda, it's just the way many people thinks, probably it will change in a future but for now it's like that...


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Im very happy (would say even proud!) to be one of the still resident foreigners who talked with joost about moondog when that was only an idea in his mind, to share during our gigs in town! It was only few years ago, now moondog is a km institution, that was an amazing work joost!

Litlle "critic" about this interview: not even a mention for the fussball, a brilliant idea that helped creating the mixed chinese/laowai crew which is one of the nicest and most precious contributions the bar gives to the city....long live joost and moondog!!!! See you soon back here joost!

low maintenance woman hahahaah!! That was great john.... also very nice and clean sound, good job from the recording team!

Congratulations to everybody who was involved in this great made in km project!

sorry guys but I still think this award is a joke... quality is not counting preferences, clicking links etc otherwise the best musicians ever will be m.jackson, the best film titanic or the best website facebook..most popular often doesn't mean the best...i gave an example nordica hosted few of the most interesting musicians coming to town and it's not even mentioned as a music venue...then if u call the price the best of gokunming i think it would b less pretentious, misleading and fair enough... peace roberto



Mc Donald's breakfast better than Prague Cafe? that's funny..I personally think Prague Cafe's cappuccino is the best in town...
exorbitant prices? whenever I try to cook some western food I spend more in buying the ingredients,they are amazingly expensive in km..
my rating:
service 5 stars
food quality 4 stars
atmosphere 5 stars
quality/price ratio 4 stars
menu selections 3 stars


Good place with one of the best pizzas in town (especially the white one with mushrooms), good yoghurt and cozy atmosphere.
To get it there,from jian she lu go along the wen lin jie until you find game cafe and dune cafe at your left, then take the narrow street at your left, you walk for 1 minute and you will see it at your right!
good luck :)


Totally agree with Barbara, I've been many times in Prague Cafe and I have to say:
-the cappuccino is the best you can get in town
- their breakfast offers, especially the fruit salad with yoghurt and granola never disappointed me
- the pasta is of course not authentically Italian but it's always cooked in the proper way and tasty (and it's not cheap to make a good pasta in kunming)
- the staff is absolutely friendly, efficient and nice (this is another thing not easy to get in town)
People are getting more and more picky in km, we should just remember we are in south west of china and considering the prices of foreign ingredients we should think to be lucky to get somebody available to provide foreign dishes (no western bars/restaurant gets rich in km).
Criticism is good when it's done to improve things, otherwise sounds just over the top and not respectful.