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Forums > Living in Kunming > Inline Skating in Kunming?

It is quite easy to do laps of green lake.

They do not much like skating inside the park (which is only open during the day).

I find there are too many people there during the day. At night, it is good skating just around the lake.

A single lap should take 5-10 minutes.

There is a portion with several trees and a bit of gravel, but other than that, very good surface for skating.
Also, just to the south in the mall area, there is no cars, and especially at night, fewer people. Dongfeng W road near the Nanping Pedestrian Street.
Farther south in the market (Golden Horse/Jade Rooster).

The roads in there are terrible (but a good pair of quad skates can manage). However, in an underground mall (I don't know the name) there is good skating. Most of the shops are closed in the mall.

it is a little colder too, which is nice. and there is no one to run into in there. plastic floor. There is also a skate rink in there, but I have not been able to find a website for it. Next time I'm in the area (probably this summer) I will try to find a name for that place. I think it may be near Jinbi square.

it is in the old market, in a sunken square that looks abandoned (but it makes for good skating). just roll right into the lower levels.
overall, I find quad skates do better on most of the roadways, as well as allowing more control for traffic with the toe stops


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