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Forums > Living in Kunming > Archeological Findings Unearthed

As many Spring City residents know, a portion of Kunming city center pedestrian street has been closed off for several years now due to underground constructions. Well, guess what they just unearthed?

Qing Dynasty outdoor architectural artifacts. Some areas of this exciting discovery has now been barricaded. Museum curators have been summoned for careful excavations.

Perhaps GoKunming can look further into this news for verification. If true, conduct interviews and write a piece about it in English before others.

Source: Douyin app- accounts from Yunnan government and their mouthpieces.

Forums > Living in Kunming > expats paying taxes....

As of January 1, 2021, Kunming landlords are required to pay 10% taxes for their apartment rents collected from their lessee. Not sure how Kunming IRS will enforce this.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Top cities with cctv

I've also seen a different surveillance ranking for global cities, and Kunming is also up there among top Chinese cities with most cameras. Understandable given the infamous train station attack which reached global headlines (thus kicking off the xj purge). Even DJ Armin van Buuren offered his condolences in one of his weekly episode sets when the attack happened. Moreover, our Provincial capital borders SE Asia, so yeah.


No results found.


Those with kids can celebrate the festive day by bringing the whole family to New Southwest Mall for free DIY zongzi lessons.

The mall has set up tables and seats with staff ready to supervise participants on basic zongzi folding techniques. Bamboo leaves, rice, read and green beans, jujube, nuts, etc. are provided. Disposable plastic gloves also provided for cleanliness. Each person are allowed to make four zongzis, and a nifty, pyramid gift box to carry home your edible handicrafts afterwards. All complimentary.

Just add their WeChat mini program (search "昆百大新西南广场") for more details. 25 for 50CNY dining vouchers can also be purchased and used this week at their newly opened DQ and MeetFresh on the same ground floor.

Newly featured Brian Linden video interview (2 minutes long) uploaded by South China Morning Post, titled "American hotel owner hopes China's tourism recovers from impact of Covid-19":


Brian is looking good and speaks Chinese very well.

Bumping the bun.

Returned from a renowned, luxury French resort in SE Asia. For breakfast, they humbly labelled sourdough bread as "French Village Bread." No other language, just plain English despite quite a few occupants being French. Even two upper management employees were French. But majority of guests were from all over the world.

