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Forums > Living in Kunming > Keep Calm and Carry on

Well, we'll see if the collective tummies of missus start expanding in the months to come.

As the hurricane storm seemingly passes over us, moving beyond hinterlands to wreck havoc on your English Premiere League (possible suspension until further notice), one can't help but notice the butterfly effect... the societal or marital typhoon generated from a wing flap elsewhere.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Keep Calm and Carry on

Thank you colinflahive for the update. Btw, if your airline ticket was booked a while back, I believe you could apply for full refund due to force majeure stipulations. May business at Sal prosper as consumers gradually regain their confidence to dine out.

JanJal, you had a comical theory that during our nationwide quarantine, birth rates across China will increase in 9 months time in September/Oct or so.

Well, sorry to rain on your animal farm parade. As government offices opened a few weeks back, one in particular was the Ministry of Civil Affairs that handled marriages & divorces.

Apparently divorce registrations surged. I guess not all married couples locked down under one roof for over a month were as honeyed as your squealing home. lol

Forums > Living in Kunming > New look GoKunming

I judge character, less so appearance.

Under hood functionality and comfort of ride > paint job + muffler exhaust + rims + body kit + lowering + spoiler

That said, toggle for dark mode option for night time viewing may be more soothing for the eyes.

Btw lemon, this blue & white template (colors of Yunnan) may be a preliminary canvas for web designers to build on. Editing and adding more layers gradually.

Forums > Living in Kunming > New Coronavirus

WHO Director-General announced yesterday,

"Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected."


Flu is typically set at 0.1%. So 3.4% is around 34 times deadlier than your average seasonal flu.

Please continue to protect yourself and your loved ones with vigilance as China returns to work while the world now tries to contain this virus.


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