@Dazzer: point is not to teach others manners, but to get forums to work better and not drive people away, as iTeach suggested they may now do..
@Dazzer: point is not to teach others manners, but to get forums to work better and not drive people away, as iTeach suggested they may now do..
Just a suggestion, that nobody seems to like, for reasons they don't explain.
Strongly suggest that those who post on forum threads or comments on articles carefully exam the topic of same and limit their contributions to the topic, or to informational or logical comments, possible disagreements, with other posters' statements, avoiding issues such as the possible nature of other contributors' personalities, gender preferences, opinions on other matters from other posts etc., and that apparent violations of this be indicated by a simple downvote, which is not 'censorship', rather than a personal, likely egotistical rant about the poster, so that gokunming monitors can get on with more intelligent work. Many posters might be surprised at just how uninterested other posters are in your opinions of each other. If you want to discuss a poster's personality or whatever (me, for example, what do I care) then you can start a thread concerning it and see just how few posts you get.
This is not facebook.
Governments like to claim their subjects (also referred to as citizens), subjects must engage with bureaucrats and locate & jump through various hoops thrown at them in order to be who they want to be; seems a lousy way to treat people.
@Allpage: Didn't mean to blame gokunming for either the weather or the report (unless more accurate ones might be practically available). The post was meant to be humor.
I didn't time sundown but am reasonably sure it did, in fact, occur - sometime between 6 and 9pm, at least in the western part of the city, as, I remember suddenly noticing about 9, it was already dark where I was sitting in the courtyard behind the bar.
Today, noon: 'partly cloudy, 77% humidity, sunset at 6:49pm'. I've just been to register at my local paichusuo and the cops did not seem to be alarmed, despite yahoo weather prediction for thunderstorms today in Kunming and the hurricane currently threatening the Florida panhandle - but, as the quantum-mechanical probability wave approaches, would anybody like to make it interesting?
No results found.
Bringing classic Shanghai elegance to Kunming
发布者Look, I'm glad to hear about this place and I will check it out, but this article reads like an advertisement.
Study: Air pollution causes loss of intelligence
发布者And I think perhaps species-wide loss of intelligence probably causes air pollution - otherwise, how to explain all the things that are done that make it worse? To date, we're perhaps not a very successful species.
Yunnan's native son, Jin Feibao, completes 100 marathons in 100 days
发布者This is one tough dude.
Yunnan's Yuxi Prefecture struck by earthquake, tremors felt in Kunming
发布者Slept through it, just now learned of it.
Snapshot: Trails of Tibet
发布者Great photos, incredible place, no?
The debate at Sera - this was a debate with a lot of traditional physical gestures, right? I was there in 2014 by myself on an ordinary day, but there were other tourists, and saw the same - impressive, but if it's every day I wonder whether tourism doesn't have something to do with it, Or maybe they do debates daily as part of monastic training?
Anyway, it really looks like it was a great trip!