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Cannot get my ExpressVPN to work today.
Any particular religious tradition? Do you read Chinese easily? If so there might well be possibilities for historical or anthropological approaches to religious traditions practiced in Yunnan, including those connected with ethnicity (for this you might inquire at the Minorities University)
- but anthropology will require fieldwork, and if you've got a full time job that might not be practical. Do you have an idea for a thesis?
Kunming is not so simple - best to show up, stay in a hotel and look around a bit before you decide where to live. Some people live near Beichen and like it I suppose, but personally I wouldn't want to live there - too far from interesting stomping grounds, which are near the old campuses of about 4 different universities.
You'll need to be a little more decisive - believe me, doing a PhD just to have a PhD is not worth it.
Nothing I've noticed. I use ExpressVPN, but only when I need to to get something I can't get otherwise.
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Stone Age graveyard discovered in Yunnan's Chuxiong Prefecture
发布者P.S. Dolphin, your dating of 'dinosaurs': "Hua Yang Guo Zhi, a book written by Chang Qu during the Western Jin Dynasty (265–316), reported the discovery of dragon bones at Wucheng in Sichuan Province."
Well, I guess they could have been dragon bones...
Stone Age graveyard discovered in Yunnan's Chuxiong Prefecture
发布者@ keebler, I hope you're kidding, but if you're serious, I suggest you start a forum thread on this ("I;ll be glad to kick in my 2 cents' worth), as we've gotten pretty far away from this Neolithic graveyard.
Government bans swimming at tourist-friendly Fuxian Lake
发布者Hopefully somebody will be paying attention to this kind of thing while they are busy banning those polluting swimmers - or is the water in fact not clean enough to swim in? My impression is that it is clean enough.
Much ado about...littering at Lugu Lake
发布者OK, cloudtrapezer, agreed. Tourism is an industry run on an absurd basis that produces contradictory demands in the promotion of profitable businesses dependent on catering to rather absurd (especially in the case of ethnic tourism) dreams of a relatively new tourist industry, and I agree with what you say about the Chinese media. The contradiction evident in this recent scarp between local vendors and, apparently rather arrogant, tourists. The route this kid of development is taking, however, is not likely to get less contradictory as the tourist industry become less 'new' - the best you'l get is a 'PC', smug, attitude among those who benefit from it and still consider themselves above it all.
Government bans swimming at tourist-friendly Fuxian Lake
发布者So the idea is that swimmers pollute and that swimming is dangerous? What can the boats do that do NOT belong to the scuba-diving club?