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Forums > Living in Kunming > VPN:s still working?

I wish to add the word 'post-human' to my description of computershit above.
Then, of course, there's the added problem of control-freakery, which we should remember is a human problem, but now exacerbated by Internet technology in the service of the Power-hierarchy....

Forums > Living in Kunming > VPN:s still working?

I have had problems with ExpressVPN for weeks now in have given up on it for the time being, but there's a good chance this has mostly had to with my own stupidity and impatience with having interactions with the pedantic A-hole unimaginative and rigid humorless character of computershit generally - 0/1 my ass...

Forums > Study > Price 1-1 class

I donn't know about prices, Elias, but I've heard all good things about the 1-on-1 for learning Chinese as Keats, and my experience several years ago there in a small class is that the teachers there know what they're doing, which may not be the case if you find someone randomly. You might check them out.

Forums > Living in Kunming > GoKunming feedback...

I thought this was gokunming feedback.
Lemon lover, my point was not about dolphin''s ideas, but about the way they should be treated and the way a poster and his/her posts should not be treated. It's about the posts, not about the poster, who exists outside the electronic machinery.
See the difference?
For that matter, I think it would help if posters ceased to imagine they are actually damaged in some way by posts, as well as that they can personally damage others in this way. I think this is a good reason why using avatar names is a good idea, I don't want to be jumped in the street by some guy who doesn't like what I say here. But I can imagine other arguments and I'm open to discussion about it - we don't have to be personally at war all the time, that's where reason itself is defeated. Force rules in the street, where the playing field is not level - the force here should be only that of the better argument or the more complete information - leave imagined personalities and egos and ego defense/aggression out of it, they only obscure.
Cloudtrapezer: see Jurgen Habermas, who has valid things to say about this - well, not all... okay.

As for conspiracies, I think we both understand that sometimes people actually do actually conspire, so 'conspiracy theory' should not amount to blanket condemnation.


No results found.


P.S. Dolphin, your dating of 'dinosaurs': "Hua Yang Guo Zhi, a book written by Chang Qu during the Western Jin Dynasty (265–316), reported the discovery of dragon bones at Wucheng in Sichuan Province."
Well, I guess they could have been dragon bones...

Hopefully somebody will be paying attention to this kind of thing while they are busy banning those polluting swimmers - or is the water in fact not clean enough to swim in? My impression is that it is clean enough.

OK, cloudtrapezer, agreed. Tourism is an industry run on an absurd basis that produces contradictory demands in the promotion of profitable businesses dependent on catering to rather absurd (especially in the case of ethnic tourism) dreams of a relatively new tourist industry, and I agree with what you say about the Chinese media. The contradiction evident in this recent scarp between local vendors and, apparently rather arrogant, tourists. The route this kid of development is taking, however, is not likely to get less contradictory as the tourist industry become less 'new' - the best you'l get is a 'PC', smug, attitude among those who benefit from it and still consider themselves above it all.



I'm not a health foody but the few meals I've had here have been really good and, yeah, I'll be happy to go back alone to sample all the rest of them. It's also not a bad place from which to people-watch the street below.