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Forums > Living in Kunming > GoKunming feedback...

I may not remember correctly, but I think, when I asked a gokunming staffperson, not long ago, about whether they had ever got warnings etc. from official Media Minders I was told that the Media Minders were barely aware of them.

Gokunming, can you comment on this? Not saying I was told that no caution on your part is/was necessary, but I do suspect that some posters may imagine we are all more important than we are. I think gokunming is more aware of the media environment and its perils than the rest of us.

Forums > Living in Kunming > GoKunming feedback...

Storm in a teacup, perhaps? At any rate I think the storm, although instigated by Miyamoto, was not difficult to respond to but was increased by posts which responded to him irrelevantly - to which he responded irrelevantly (off his own point) - to which responses were made that were irrelevant... etc. ad nauseum. Now it's become what Americans used to call 'a Federal issue', and the nature and extent of moderators' responsibilities are all a big question. Slippery slope.
Suggest we all make sure our heads are screwed on. Me too - too much blather all around - we do tend to like to hear our own voices.
My sympathies, Pat.

Forums > Living in Kunming > GoKunming feedback...

I appreciate Adrian's explanation, although I don't think more management of the forums is necessary. However, if you're going to do it, at least give us a working definition of 'troll', 'troll-like behaviour', etc.
@cloudtrapezer: didn't know the history of the phrase, what I meant was the literal act - i.e., real incitement to physically dangerous panic in the face of a phony threat. My sympathies are with Schenk & co., of course - my understanding is that millions of people wound up seriously disliking WWI, but that many who had opposed it had had their practical freedom of speech seriously impaired by others who were quite sure who the real bad guys were (i.e.: those other guys).

Then again, maybe they had been trolling.

Forums > Living in Kunming > GoKunming feedback...

@satirical: I'm not defending my attempted forum topic - I dunno, nothing crucial - but I agree that we should not all be requiring gokunming to deal with sometime-inabilities of posters to write, respond and discuss with common sense - we're not in kindergarten anymore, I don't think we need 'police' protection or teacher/minders with school rules, and gokunming has enough to worry about just running the website and producing good content. The topics are the POSTERS' attempts to produce good content, and the forums should be open to anyone and anything that doesn't lead to the closing of the website by external Overminders. Gokunming can judge when that point is passed - leave the rest to self-regulation in the fine tradition of anarchism, openness, respect and reason - & maybe occasional humor or something to keep everybody awake. It's not necessary to protest that everything is somebody else's fault. With luck we

can all grow up, and Frodo can send that damned ring back to Hell.


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Or even cash incentives? I know of a small charity that provides parents with such. Evidence exists that this works.
Fact is, there are sometimes small hidden costs in the 'free' elementary and middle school state education, which seem trivial unless you're really poor. Some people are really poor.

How about this: tax breaks to those who keep their kids in school? Seems to me this might interest those with no cash more than requirements to pay for schools that, for one reason or another, their kids are not attending.



I'm not a health foody but the few meals I've had here have been really good and, yeah, I'll be happy to go back alone to sample all the rest of them. It's also not a bad place from which to people-watch the street below.