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Forums > Living in Kunming > Average rent of an apartment

In other words, it may be better for you to come here early, look around at apartments and city areas, and/or plan to live in a cheap hotel when you first arrive, so that you can see what you can get.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Our House Is Torn Down

Lousy behaviour of a top-down command structure - my sympathies.
How far do you think you'd get with a class-action suit, if there are such things here? Have a strong feeling that you're not the only one who has received this kind of treatment.


No results found.


Another reason to allow ALL workers to become trade union members, with none of the bullshit about migrants from rural areas not really being 'workers' because their id cards say they are farmers. Much of china's economic 'success' has been built on the backs of such people - yeah, but...Whose success was that now?



I'm not a health foody but the few meals I've had here have been really good and, yeah, I'll be happy to go back alone to sample all the rest of them. It's also not a bad place from which to people-watch the street below.