@bilingual: Perhaps one problem might be that of imagining posters here and elsewhere constituting a 'community' through their posts. Words lose their meanings when stretched too far. Serious communal reality has to be elsewhere.
@bilingual: Perhaps one problem might be that of imagining posters here and elsewhere constituting a 'community' through their posts. Words lose their meanings when stretched too far. Serious communal reality has to be elsewhere.
@ satirical and bilingual: Interesting. Seems the problem is that posters tend to think of of their activity as social interaction' rather than as participants in a discussion (such as, for example, one often sees in academia (seminars, etc.), although I'm not saying that's perfect either). I think the substitution of electronic contact for real social interaction (you know, where people actually meet and deal with people rather than with (often useful) electronic intermediaries) is scary. Results tend to be that people go around taking disagreement personally, and personally attack those whose info or thinking is different from or opposed to their own.
Strikes me as childish, and perhaps even a bit paranoid.
A broader social problem here, symptomatic, perhaps, of what we imagine 'Progress' to be (i.e., primarily material and oriented around the promotion of competitive commodity production).
Reckon that's as far as I should go in the direction of getting off the immediate subject today.
zuopaopao: Why?
In the canteens you can eat cheap. The food is okay, sometimes pretty good with a lot of selection. You can get by for about Y40 a day for food in canteens if you want to.
My suggestion for downvotes stands - they're appropriate when somebody's simply not talking about the thread.
But for god's sake, either downvote or don't, but talk about something more interesting.
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A call for volunteers: Sprucing up a Kunming school for migrants kids
发布者@vicar: OK, will be glad to hear about it. I'll be back early March.
A call for volunteers: Sprucing up a Kunming school for migrants kids
发布者Very glad to hear of this. I won't be able to participate personally, as I'll be out of China at the time, but I encourage everybody else to (I hope that does't sound lame). Maybe there's some other way I can help out?
Migrant workers receive bricks in lieu of pay
发布者The workers should hold them liable with brickbats.
Migrant workers receive bricks in lieu of pay
发布者You pay your workers FIRST - only then do you look for money to pay other debts.
Migrant workers receive bricks in lieu of pay
发布者Another reason to allow ALL workers to become trade union members, with none of the bullshit about migrants from rural areas not really being 'workers' because their id cards say they are farmers. Much of china's economic 'success' has been built on the backs of such people - yeah, but...Whose success was that now?