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Forums > Living in Kunming > Gynecologist recommendations in Kunming?

@ Dolphin: I don't trust the medical profession 100% either, but the question is, why do you distrust this particular thing about HPV & cancer? How much of a scientific consensus is there? I do not think that the majority of scientists are necessarily either right or wrong, but I don't think these guys are useless, either, and if there's a general consensus, I'll buy it, unless & until I have a specific reason for not doing so - and since I am not such a scientist I am not really in a position to come up with a better scientific analysis, though I might be able to handle one based on imputed economic or political interests. My guess is that you're not a scientist either, but I may be wrong; or maybe you've got some other kind of analysis that is reliable?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Newcomer in Kunming from Australia

@ dolphin: Yeah, I too am in favor of the real world, and I'm not being satirical, despite the fact that I experienced confusions about reality lately, what with all the virtuality... where to draw lines?

Forums > Living in Kunming > Meeting people

I don't notice any lack of singles at the places I go, and I do notice a variety of languages, including English. Not sure what kind of 'events' might be necessary.


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Agreed, JanJal, good comment. But I think there's a greed machine in operation that enhances these situations, although I won't claim that it produces them out of thin air. The machine is called global capitalism, "the world system", and in dealing with it, it helps to be pissed off, although that by itself is insufficient as a solution.

I think there's such a thing as tourism being commercially overdeveloped, especially when it is hyped as 'authentic', etc., and when 'authentic' is promoted as something deserving of sacred awe on the part of outsiders, who probably can't understand it anyway..
But then what does 'authentic' mean? I'd suggest it means not pretending to be what it is not.
And with that I suggest we all may be in trouble.

@JanJal: You mean it would drive investors to go to places where they can get away with not paying their employees if their invested money doesn't magically 'grow'?



I'm not a health foody but the few meals I've had here have been really good and, yeah, I'll be happy to go back alone to sample all the rest of them. It's also not a bad place from which to people-watch the street below.