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Forums > Study > Chinese Language and Culture School of Kunming

The Chinese Language and Culture School (former Kunming Continuation School for Overseas Chinese) is located in Kunming, Yunnan, the city of eternal spring. The city’s agreeable weather, beautiful sceneries, and convenient public transportation make it an ideal place for overseas students to study, live, and travel around.

The Chinese Language and Culture School in Kunming, Yunnan is the only school for overseas Chinese in southwest region founded in 1960 by the Chinese government.

Forums > Study > Chinese Language and Culture School of Kunming

Hi All, does anybody know anything about this school? Any opinions/reviews? Maybe someone studied there? Tried to find some info about them in the Internet but there were couple of old links and nothing helpful. Thanks in advance.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Need Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialitst

Hi All. Does anyone can tell where there are TCM Reps or Hospitals to undergo a survey, preferably English speaking. Another issue, there were some posts talking about the herbal markets, drove to the points where they were supposed to be, but there were already ruins. Who can tell where there are large herbal markets within the city, or, at least, not far. Thanks.

Forums > Study > one to one Chinese classes - school with visa.

Most likely, there are such private teachers who will be able to help in obtaining a visa, but, based on my experience of starting education in this city, I would not immediately resort to their services. And I would not have relied on private schools either. I noticed that they have no special interest in your successful teaching. A screen is created. If a person is interested in an early and successful learning of the language, then he should go to specialized universities, where there have specialized materials and methods for teaching. It will be a bit expensive, but if you summarize the time spent on private schools, and the level of knowledge acquisition at the university, this moment will smooth out the imbalance. Then, the grammar will have to be taught by yourself, since many teachers can not explain anything, and you will be sitting in perplexity. I would use private teachers as a springboard to improve pronunciation and phonetics.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Teaching Salaries

Guys, what's required to be hired as a teacher formally? Diplomas both translated and notarised? English is Ok or need to be translated into Chinese? TOEFL / IELTS? Etc.... Thanks.


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Невозможно всем понравиться. Но школа делает все возможное, чтобы облегчить жизнь студентам. Мы с супругой приехали, не зная ни грамма на китайском, и за семестр удалось заговорить. Во время перемен все студенты собираются в фойе, общаются, делятся всякими полезными вещами, после занятий делают уроки. Школа постоянно проводит вылазки на природу, организовывает всякие мероприятия. Еще один повод попасть в школу, люди могут попутно выучить или подтянуть свой английский, так как очень много англоговорящих студентов, учителя также говорят на английском. Лори, Аманда, Венди, Келли - очень хорошо помогают нам во всем, начиная от визовых вопросов, открытием карты, заканчивая подбором квартиры, если это требуется. В общем, рекомендую, мы с супругой остались довольны всем. Если будут вопросы, пишите в личку, отвечу.