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Forums > Study > American English, British English...who cares?

Laotou, my criticism of your post has nothing to do with patriotism or racism. It has to do with your original comments being completely asinine. Yes, I wasn't diplomatic about it, but that's because you sound so full of yourself.

First, you absurdly insisted that there "MAY be a difference" between British and American English, when it's obvious that there ARE many differences.

Second, you asserted that British English is "less harsh" than American English as if that were a linguistic fact rather than a personal preference.

Third, you claimed that American English is more popular in Chinese schools because its humor is more simple, as if that, rather than market opportunities and comparatively overwhelming influence of US pop culture, were really relevant.

Don't play the race card, as if I or anyone else wants to oppress you for not being a "good chink." I just want to point out how dumb your original comments were. If you're not native speaker, then I am sorry for being such a dick about it. But really, think about the nonsense in your first post before your accuse those who disagree with you of racism.

Forums > Study > American English, British English...who cares?

Laotou, what the hell are you talking about?

There "MAY be a difference between British and American English"? Are you trying to be comically pompous? There are a thousand and one differences between British and American English. Several, ranging from vocabulary to pronunciation to grammar, have been pointed out in this thread.

Is elegance in pronunciation (whatever the hell that is) the same thing as the lack of "harshness" (whatever the hell that is)? Or do you just really like Received Pronunciation because you associate it with very polite men in bowler hats, and you associate American pronunciation with Britney Spears and George W. Bush?

And you think American English is more popular in China because American comedy is simpler? Do you really believe that is a relevant criterion to students, teachers, and school administrators? Do you think any of those people care that Ricky Gervais is a million times funnier than Steve Carell?

Laotou, get your inflated head out of your butt. (AKA your bottom, as I've heard it is called in jolly old England.)

Forums > Living in Kunming > Let's Remember Where We Are

So Mr Calmatt informs very vaguely us that something like a bar brawl has taken place, and then insists that no one ask questions. Mr CM, Did you major in advertising, or are you just a Dipeshite?

What the hell happened? That is the first step; it should precede the part about why the hell this is so important. Mr CM, you have yo shite backwads, son.

Never heard a post so right as freewaxyballs: "By the way, what happened exactly? Who was involved? Who was to blame? Can anyone give some more details. I enjoy a good drama."

Yo, you started this. You finish it.

Forums > Living in Kunming > New forum for expats in Kunming

Wow, way to display your insecurity, tahoe and Chris. You're big, bad Gokunming.com, and as you say you've seen competitors come and go, take up the sword and be slain just as quickly. So another piddly new forum crops up and you guys crap your pants and put on your KGB helmets.

Well, I say viva la free market. Let inkunming try to compete. They shouldn't have to clear anything with you to make such an attempt. Besides, what are you so worried about?

Maybe inkunming is looking for a buyout. The bastards....


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