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Forums > Travel Yunnan > Hong Kong by rail via Shenzhen

Last year I traveled from HK to KM via Shenzhen HSR. I enjoyed it, and it was very convenient (Hong Kong MTR, walk across the border, Shenzhen subway to high speed rail station). Scenery wasn’t great except for around Guilin (not all of the high speed rail lines you take will go this way), which was spectacular. I think the price is comparable to a cheap plane ticket, and takes longer, but I found it more comfortable. Worth trying at least once in my opinion.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Recieving packages from US

As far as I know they just left the package there and it never would have never ended up at my door (though the address, within Kunming, was on the box). However, I have heard of other foreigners receiving overseas packages to their door. So it's either inconsistent or it's changed. We did have books (kids books) in our package, so that wasn't a problem, but it's probably true books have no guarantee to get through customs. I'd say it's worth a shot to go check out the post office - seems like there are many packages there that may have been there for a long time. Just give them your phone number and have an ID with you.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Recieving packages from US

225 Beijing Lu. Between downtown and train station, left side of street when coming from the north. The post office is obvious (“China Post” in big letters), but go behind the post office to the parking lot then to the right there’s an area looking a little warehouse that has international packages.


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