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Forums > Living in Kunming > Kunming Heating

Because Kunming is 2000 metres above sea level, electric radiators can dry up the air inside your apartment, and leave you gasping for oxygen, epsecially while you sleep. The trick is to place a container of water in front of the heater (not too close, of course).

Forums > Living in Kunming > George Lynch on his trip to China last October

According to a myspace blog bearing his name and picture, it seems that Mr Lynch may have had some health problems before actually coming to China ....


GEORGE LYNCH Rushed To Hospital After Reportedly Collapsing At Las Vegas Show - Apr. 22, 2006

According to a couple of eyewitness reports from last night's (April 21) GEORGE LYNCH show in Las Vegas, Nevada, the former DOKKEN guitarist was rushed to the hospital after taking ill 30 minutes into his band's performance at the Empire Ballroom. The following report was submitted to BLABBERMOUTH.NET by Robert Beaudette of RobertSellsLasVegas.com:

"It's 2AM in Las Vegas, Friday night, April 21. I just got home from the George Lynch show at the Empire Ballroom, where Lynch and bandmates Vinny Appice, Marten Andersson, and singer Andrew Freeman were in great form for all of 30 minutes. The band left the stage for a drum solo, after which a club rep announced from the stage that Lynch had taken ill and was unable to continue. Right before exiting the stage, he appeared FINE, laughing and smiling with his band.

"I rushed outside to beat the crowd to the valet, where minutes later an ambulance and firetruck arrived on the scene, and Lynch, now naked for some reason and strapped to a gurney, was hustled into the ambulance. His bandmates and a few fans were gathered around, obviously concerned and in shock. Lynch's eyes were closed on the stretcher, and a person apparently in the band's crew said the guitarist was unconcious before the paramedics arrived.

"Friends called local rock radio station KOMP 92.3 for an update, no news available yet..."

More information as it becomes available.

Forums > Living in Kunming > George Lynch on his trip to China last October

I read this far ...

[QUOTE] " ... Beijing and Shanghai are interesting cosmopolitan cities but Ive been to many smaller and less familiar cities that ive had to travel over dirt mountain roads in buses full of slaves and chickens to get to..."[/QUOTE]

No need to read mcuh further. You can guess the rest !!!


Forums > Travel Yunnan > Fly Kunming - Calcutta Direct

Great news for travellers wishing to enter/exit south west China via the India subcontinent. (Goa has just got a whole lot closer !) ;-}

With the opening of the airline from Kunming to Calcutta on October 29th, the tourism bureaus of Chengdu, Guilin and Kunming held a travel routes promotion conference to dozens of Indian travel agencies. To attract more Indian tourists to travel in the southwest cities of China, the promotion conference especially introduced to Indian guests the new tourist products,"West China", which especially targets at Indian tourists. The establishment of"West China"does not only mark that the tourist routes in west cities of China stride to the international tourist market, but also means that the regional cooperation among the three cities make great progress.



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