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Forums > Living in Kunming > COVID 19 vaccine for foreigners

Foreigners vaccinated need to provide:
1. Your medical insurance payment documents or insurance certificate in China;
2. your residence permit in China;
3. Your passport.
Above 3 items are indispensable

i'll inquire further

Forums > Living in Kunming > COVID 19 vaccine for foreigners

ha what a rumor mill all this is. it's like the 'don't ask don't tell' of yore. oh well, when in rome. we've all the been beneficiaries of things not being done strictly 'by the book' about a million times. it has to go the other way sometime. yeah not many of us have an id. maybe when the population implosion gets 'a bit' more serious in a few decades. not that japan has thrown the gates open for the same reason. so far they're trying to arrange human contact for Hikikomori, make a state dating app, hike taxes, and encourage tourism revenue while talking about laws against overtourism from the other side of the mouth. oh well, not like many people in most western countries love the idea of immigration. melting pot is a nice idea, but hard to swallow for the average humonkey. for now. getting better. july 1 is thursday, let's hope they'll start jabbing us then. i'll do some soviet-style line-standing if that's what it takes. and they've exported a lot of vaccines, so i can see if they don't have quite enough for everybody. meanwhile stateside, presumably thanks to fox news et al., some places are throwing away nine out of a ten-dose package, rather than try to wait for more people to show up. so rumor mill is alive and well across the globe. anyway i feel lucky to have weathered the pandemic here in the hinterlands. tried that phone number last night, busy, tried it now, just rings. if no news by thursday, i'd take a trip to the 国贸 and report here.

Forums > Living in Kunming > COVID 19 vaccine for foreigners

i contacted the number on the paper they stuck on the door. they said to contact 盘龙区人民医院。 took many tries to get thru. then they said that foreigners can of course get vaccinated. told them i heard the system won't accept passport. they said yeah, need id. and said they have no further info, and that it changes daily. gave me a general vaccine hotline, which search revealed to be (青云社区卫生服务中心盘龙区园博路13 0871-65665232. said many people call it, so again it might be tough to get thru. called, unlike with the hospital number, which was busy, it kept ringing, but same result, no answer.

Forums > Living in Kunming > Visa extension?

The department of education froze new visa applications last week before mine went thru, likely in response to the Covid upsurge. My current study visa expires at the end of March. If I'm unable to get a new visa by then, it'd be a big scramble to try to get my affairs in order in a few days and get out of Dodge. Back in the day I had a Z work visa, and PSB gave me (at the request of employer, I think, which was ironically the DoE) a month travel visa after its expiry. Has anybody heard of something like that for study visa? Thanks muchly

Forums > Living in Kunming > Any non-smoking restaurants?

thank you all.
the loft closes after dinner, unfortunately.
slice is a great idea. little out of the way, but great food and atmosphere.
i'll check out the other few as well.

haha there's a new article here on gk that links low iq to dirty air:


wonder if cig smoke has the same effect.
whatcha think, napoleon;)?

have a springful day, y'all.

ps: hit up slice. they smoke right outside open doors/windows, so it wafts in, but still better than if they were inside. smokers both days i went.

ps2: cantina very nice also. quiet. very nice boss, like slice. no outside smokers the rainy day i went.

update: went another, non-rainy day, bunch of smokers outside, including proprietress, few feet from open doors, so it might as well be a smoking restaurant.
mcdonalds is right around corner, upstairs quiet, good wifi, close 11pm, doors closed so smoke stays outside. but only usb chargeports, no electrical outlets.

ps3: cuihu doesn't allow wheels, so you'd have to hoof it to the Park and back. tried to schmooze up the guard, nice guy but no go. don't know if you'd wanna lock bike/moped up lakeside after dark.


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