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Forums > Travel Yunnan > Cool places between Guilin & Shanghai

Anyone know of any cool places to visit vaguely between Guilin and Shanghai?

Ideally someplace that we can stay over a couple nights that isn't overrun with hordes of tourists.

Doesn't need to be english friendly we speak enough.

Was looking at Lianhe rice terraces but doesn't seem to be anyplace to stay.

Has anyone been to Ziquejie?

I'm a little concerned by the size of the parking lot :|

(I know this isn't Yunnan travel but there's no good forums for other places!)

P.S. Already been to Zhangjiajie twice...

Forums > Travel Yunnan > Train tickets to Urumqi

Does anyone have any info on why I can't buy tickets to Urumqi?

Looking to take a trip from Kunming all the way out there in mid on the 26th of October, but any train tickets I search show me "列车运行图调整,暂停发售" which I believe translates as "route updates, ticket sales on hold".

Has anyone had a similar experience before and know what I should expect?

Should I be worried the trains won't be running then?


Forums > Travel Yunnan > Motorbike tour to Chengdu

Thanks for the tips!

Looks like getting a license is probably a no-go since I'll only be in China for 2 weeks, but Tibetmoto looks promising.

Anyone know any other similar agencies?


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