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Forums > Study > Yunnan Uni - Non-degree language program?

Oh, sorry. What I meant was to do both: uni plus a private tutor. The university usually recommends new students to take three classes, and I was saying it's not necessary. Taking one class and studying more with a private tutor is way better than taking all tree classes at the university.

Forums > Study > Yunnan Uni - Non-degree language program?

The non-degree program at Yunnan university is quite good. But just like what Voltaire said, I think there're too many students in a class. So I recommend you to take just one class to get a visa, and find a private tutor.

Forums > Study > Chinese Language Program

Almost every university in Kunming has its language school. It's just that they don't reply to emails fast. Last time I sent an email to a university, and it took two weeks for me to get a reply. The best option would be to visit the office directly once you get to Kunming.


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