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Have you tried picking the option for 'ID type'? so instead of trying to put a passport number in a CID section, you could put the passport ID in the Passport ID section.
Have you tried picking the option for 'ID type'? so instead of trying to put a passport number in a CID section, you could put the passport ID in the Passport ID section.
China mingsheng bank, china construction bank have them as far as I know from looking at the back of my cards. But the numbers on the back have a set of 4 digits and then a set of 3 digits, which could be the CVV/CVC numbers but I am not totally sure if they are or not.
The ICBC bank cards do not have a CVV/CVC number on them.
Please do not microwave metal pots!
@veravdn That's how I found out too. Giving blood saving lives
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